Category: Lifestyle & Habit Building

Communication & NetworkingConfidence & AppearanceLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Branding Weekly – 8 July 2013

Happy Canada and Independence Day to our readers in Canada and the United States!

During the weekend, more of the people I’m connected with on social networks seem to take to share memes, funny quotes, quirky status updates and videos of that vary from interesting to strange.

Many brands observe the massive sharing of these …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Webinars, Conference Calls and Your Brand

Communication in modern times has never been this convenient, thanks to the advancement of technology. Among the various means that have made life “easier,” webinars is one of them. A mash-up of the words “web” and “seminar,” webinar is an important marketing tool for every business. Conducting or joining one is a great opportunity to …

Career & WealthConfidence & AppearanceLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Branding Weekly – 1 July 2013

This week kicks-off summer vacation season for so many. We see that here at the Personal Branding Blog with many of the authors taking a hiatus during the summer.  Thankfully, we have many so willing to contribute their time and talent to share their insights in a weekly blog post.

This week we also focus …

Brand Yourself AsLifestyle & Habit BuildingRecruitmentRelationships & Personal Growth

10 Ways to Get Your Co-workers to Like You More

Forming stronger relationships with co-workers can not only make work more enjoyable, it can lead to significant forward strides in one’s success. Conversely, the inability to gain the acceptance of other workers can damage one’s ability to execute on daily tasks.

It is very rare that anyone can reach their goals without others in the …