Five Points for Thinking Handy
Build your soft skills by building things.
Building things build skills
Whether you are building a spreadsheet or a tiny house.
Building things builds skills.
Do you remember how it felt to create something, finish it, look at it and enjoy it?
Are you handy?
Seventeen years ago this week I lost my dad. One …

Why Older Job Seekers Are Being Rejected
Once you reach a certain threshold of maturity, fewer job opportunities are available because you get stereotyped. It’s a fact in most cases. But why? There are several reasons. First, in today’s exponential advancement of technological developments, younger people seem to catch on and to be able to adapt much faster than older folks can. …

Regaining Efficiency and Focus in Today’s Digital World
There’s an irony to digital connectivity. On one hand, we need our phones and internet connection to work and remain productive.
On the other, repeated studies have shown that continued digital access impairs our focus, promotes procrastination, damages memory, increases anxiety and hinders ability to complete complex tasks.
In essence, what was meant to increase …

Three Words to Why You Need a Mentor
Here are three words as to why you need a mentor. They may seem a little controversial, but please let me explain. Stay with me.
I’m going to take a few minutes and explain what I mean about each word and why they are important to you ,,, and to why you …

Tips to Get Your Employer Pay for Your Education
Everybody wants to improve their skills and advance their career. However, employer funded training/education is a rare benefit. Companies don’t want to pay for the training expenses of their employees because they believe that after they get new skills, they will change their jobs and go somewhere else. However, this is not necessarily the case. …

We’ve Gone In a Different Direction
Have you heard this line before?
It’s a fluffy and noncommittal line from someone who thinks they’re trying to let you down easy.
In reality it’s a starting point for you to possibly continue the conversation, take the conversation in a different direction, and to help you stand out in your career.
Disappointing? Yes! A …

How to Let Go of Line Level Tasks
Let’s pretend you just started a new job at a large marketing firm as a head of customer service. The first week, the CEO sits next to you every day. For 8 hours, you listen to her rattle on and on about how to answer phones “the right way.” On day one, you’re polite. You …

You’ve Got 3 Minutes. What Will You Say?
Everything cannot be boiled down to 3 minute increments.
Nor should they be..
However, there are times when that’s all the time you have. Sometimes you have even less. Perhaps as little as 8 seconds. (Have I already lost you?)
Do you need the full three minutes?
For the sake of argument let’s just say …

Earn It… Every Day!
Consultants already know this.
Professional athletes already know this.
Full-time employees should also know this.
Earn it… every day!
You have to commit to it. You have to Earn It … Every Day.
If you’re working as a consultant you know you’ve got to deliver every single day. If you’re a professional athlete you got …

15 Jobs That Didn’t Exist 30 Years Ago
Colonial Life Insurance has recently put together a great infographic about jobs which didn’t exist 30 years ago. By looking at these jobs, we can see that technology and internet has changed many things in our lives. Other than technology related roles, there are also jobs related to new trends such as a “Zumba Instructor.” …