Two Important Things to Do While You’re Unemployed
I hope you’re not one of those people who said, “I’m making my job search a full-time job.” I’ve known people who do that. They spend — or at least intend to spend — 40 hours per week, poring over the job boards, applying for any and all jobs they can find.
It’s an awful, …
Avoid These 3 Killer Blogging Mistakes
Consider you almost always have an audience. I use the term “audience” to reference any person who receives your messages. That could be spoken, written, live or archived words. They may be accompanied by sound, video, photos, graphics, slides, and links (or not).
I use the term audience with reverence and respect, because all around …
Your Personal Brand Needs a Mindset Shift
Its common knowledge that you need a personal brand to succeed on the job and on the job market. Yet many people – even those with a personal brand – find themselves underemployed, unemployed or simply dissatisfied with their current position.
Hence dissatisfaction, stagnation and boredom are viewed as normal and even acceptable.
Well, it …
Ramit Sethi’s Guide to Getting Your Dream Job in This Economy
Ramit Sethi is a friend of mine who is known for his blog, I Will Teach You to Be Rich. Unlike most personal finance experts, Ramit tests all of his theories and has real results to show for them. One of the big projects that he’s been working on lately is helping people find their …
Personal Branding For Freelancers: When You Are Your Brand
I cannot think of a single group of people for whom personal branding is more crucial than freelancers. It is in fact the ‘make or break’ ingredient that will determine whether their career adventure (and trust me, being a freelancer is an adventure!) takes off or sinks into obscurity. A strong, sensibly-managed and attractive personal …
Personal Branding Pledge for 2012
This year is about discovery, and complete recovery from what kills my drive
I allow impatience to test relationships to learn who’s stealing my time
I accurately judge who’s robbing me of what’s mine
I jettison people who are boring or ignoring me or angry that I am soaring
People who cast doubt, or those …
Five Personal Branding Resolutions To Keep In 2012
Well, hell, why not? You’ve made resolutions for everything else so far, why not make resolutions for personal branding next year? Here are five resolutions I wish other marketers, networkers, and social media people would follow. And if you want people to like and respect your personal brand, you’ll at least consider this list of …
Kickstart Your Personal Branding Journey In 2012
Here we are, starting a new year where so much will happen: the London Olympics, the US Presidential Election, the end of the current global financial crisis (we hope!) and tons of other exciting stuff. Did you get your new calendar yet? Any New Year resolutions? Concerned about how to start the year on the …
Do You Want To Become An Entrepreneur In 2012?
Yesterday, a Published & Profitable member called told me he was becoming an entrepreneur in 2012, buoyed by his responses to the questions Dan Schawbel asked in Me 2.0 Revised and Updated Edition: 4 Steps to Building Your Future.
After many years in higher education, Mark decided to look beyond a “job” during 2012 and …
Personal Brand Ho Ho Holiday Questions
The upcoming days might include holiday parties and getting stuck in the elevator with a group of strangers. Of course, strangers are just suspects – people with whom you may do business or who might refer you to the opportunity you’re seeking.
You can’t stand quietly next to the person who holds the key to …