Build Your Brand on a Shoestring Budget
How can you build your brand when you’re on such a thin shoestring budget that you don’t even have a smartphone, and having an Internet connection at home is difficult. Is it even possible to establish your brand online? You bet. Here are a few ways you can do some personal branding while you’re keeping …
Tip #9: How to Talk On-Camera
How you talk on-camera is different from how you write. It’s also different from how you talk to your colleagues at the office. At the office, you have your own internal lingo, right? Let’s say you are a web consultant—you and your co-workers throw around acronyms like SEO, ROI, & API like crazy. You talk …
Business People Suck at Technology Startups
Business people are becoming increasingly attracted to technology startups. We dream of becoming the next Mark Zuckerberg or the next Instagram. I spoke with an undergraduate the other day who quit during his third year of college to pursue a technology startup in Silicon Valley.
Business people need to realize that we are at a …
Video Tips and Ideas for Small Businesses and Brands
“It’s too expensive,” or “It’s takes too much time!” These are the reasons I usually get from people as to why they haven’t made a video about their business. And I agree—producing a video never goes as quickly as writing a blog post or a tweet. For some, just uploading a video will require a …
Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs are known for their creativity and thinking differently from everyone else. I was relieved to learn in a class that “conventional wisdom” need not apply!
Believe in yourself
According to conventional wisdom, we are told the first step to building our business is to write out a detailed business plan. But most of us …
Live Your Brand–Don’t Just Create It
When you’re in business for yourself, how you act is just as much of your personal brand as how you brand yourself.
In branding yourself, most people typically come up with a few words that kind of emulate or define their brand. Those words, however, aren’t good for much if you aren’t “living” them out. …
10 Ways to Combine Your Personal and Product Brand
The following answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only nonprofit organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. The YEC recently published #FixYoungAmerica: How to Rebuild Our Economy and Put Young Americans Back to Work (for Good), …
Be Careful When Choosing a Startup Incubator
A recent trend in the tech-startup scene is to join an incubator or startup accelerator. These incubators promise to mentor, guide, and position early stage startups for success, and in return, they receive 4% – 7% equity in the company.
But a recent article on RWW tells the story of how the majority of incubator …
Kickstarter: How Seth Godin Succeeded and You Can Too
Just in case you haven’t heard, best-selling author Seth Godin met his funding goal on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter in a mere 3 hours.
Thousands of dollars are still pouring into his project and backers have until July 17 to get in on the rewards Seth is offering on Kickstarter, like advance copies of his …
From Idea to Reality: How to Take the First Step
I told my cousin today about my goal of traveling the world.
“I’d love to do that too, but we can’t just leave the job. How would you survive out there, become a bartender?” she said sarcastically.
Although I’m sure bartenders have a ridiculously fun time at their job, I have no plans of needing …