Category: eBrand

eBrandPersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

How to Ensure You’ve Claimed Your Brand on Social Networks

It’s time to protect your personal brand.  This is a very serious matter!

Domain names

I’ve spoken about claiming your domain name to secure your personal brand before.  For those of you new readers, this means going to your local hosting service and registering immediately, before someone else takes it from you.  You can …

Career DevelopmenteBrandNetworkingPersonal BrandingSocial Media

Social Networking: Number Friends Vs the Quality of Each Friend

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A lot of very influential people are sounding off that it’s not the number of friends you have on social networks that matter, but rather the quality of the relationships. For instance, many people would rather have 100 close knit contacts on LinkedIn than 600 “lose contacts” or people …

Career DevelopmenteBrandPersonal BrandingReputation ManagementSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

5 Free Tools for Personal Reputation Management

I guest posted on Keith Ferrazzi’s blog over a week ago. I felt that this post was so important that I had to re-post it here for you to read.

Reputation management consists of tracking your personal brand both online and offline and reacting when necessary.

A lot of people think that personal branding is …

ArticleseBrandPersonal BrandingReputation ManagementSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Online Reputation Management 2.0 and Our Mobile Future

Today, on Facebook I was asked to post my contribution to PRWeek because paid subscription is required. Note that the title they gave it was “Controlling your reputation is vital,” which isn’t as strong as the title for this post. Being you are my audience and should get special privileges, below is the article I …

authors cornerCareer DevelopmenteBrandPersonal BrandingReputation ManagementSEOSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

How Small Business Owners Can Grow Their Online Empire

On July 8th, I presented to the Next Level Executives group at the Marriott Hotel in Marlborough, Massachusetts. Before I gave my keynote, John Bates, a recruiting and career management veteran, explained the general concept of personal branding and how it related to building a business through referrals. Also, he noted the significance of taking …

Career DevelopmenteBrandFuturesInterviewNewsPersonal BrandingPodcastsRecruitmentReputation ManagementSchawbel ReportSocial Media

Schawbel Report: The Current State of Personal Branding [July 2008]

A lot has happened since the last time I posted a “Schawbel Report” on the state of personal branding worldwide. The March edition shed some light into the spread of personal branding from the US to Australia to India. There is a lot of information here, but it’s all very important to your personal brand …

Career DevelopmenteBrandPersonal BrandingPositioningReputation Management

Your Friends Have An Impact On Your Personal Brand


Facebook reveals your friends

No matter what you do, if your name is Google’d by someone that is not your friend, five of your Facebook friends are revealed (see the picture below). If you are in their network already, then you will see what they want you to see, which could be a limited …

Career DevelopmenteBrandPeoplePersonal BrandingReputation ManagementSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

eBranding Becomes Mandatory for Surviving the Digital Age

This post is from my article that was published on on Friday evening. It is probably the most thorough article on the topic of personal eBranding and one of my better written pieces this year. I pooled a large team of experts to give some advice from their perspective. You can find the original …