Category: Brand Mystery

Brand MysteryCareer & WealthMedia BrandingRelationships & Personal Growth

Keep Your Brand Name Intact When a Reporter Calls

What is your #1 tip for a nervous entrepreneur about to talk to a reporter for the first time?

The following answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, the YEC recently launched #StartupLab, a free virtual mentorship program …

authors cornerBrand MysteryCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

5 Writing Tips for Personal Branding Success

Writing plays a key role at every step in your journey to personal branding success.

Efficient and effective writing skills are central to your ability to express yourself and differentiate yourself from your competition, so you can get noticed, trusted, and assume increased responsibilities.

Here are 5 simple tips to help you improve the quality …

authors cornerBrand MysteryCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

A Single Incident Can Undermine Decades of Brand Loyalty

Brands are fragile; a single incident can undermine enthusiasm for a brand that took decades to build.

I’ve been a fan of one of America’s premier blues performers for decades, buying their albums, attending their concerts, and making it a point to visit their home base blues club on every visit to Chicago.

Last year, …

authors cornerBrand MysteryCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

2 Key Resources for Crafting and Telling Your Story

I’d like to recommend 2 books that that can help you craft and tell your personal brand building story on your blog or website.

Ginny Redish’s Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works and Patrick Hanlon’s PrimalBranding: Create Zealots for your Brand, Your Company, and your Future offer strong, relevant insights plus …

Brand MysteryCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

The Amazing Power Of Role-Modeling

On the surface, nothing appears to be more intimate, highly idiosyncratic, essentially non-transferable, and inimitable than building and developing our personal brands. Most of us set out to become the next hired graduate, model employee, successful entrepreneur, influential politician, respected community leader or celebrated sportsperson based upon the deeply-held belief that we can leave our …

authors cornerBrand MysteryCommunication & Networkingguest postMarketingRelationships & Personal Growth

7 Universal Design Tips for Stand-out Personal Branding

Design plays a crucial role in building your personal brand; use the 7 universal design tips to help your brand stand out from the competition & ensure your messages get read.

The appearance of your personal branding messages determines whether or not they will be noticed, read, and remembered.

At a glance, prospective clients,employers, and …

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The 7 Essentials of a Strong Author Platform

Many authors have blogs, many others have well-designed websites, but relatively few have a strong author platform.

A strong author platform goes far beyond the typical blog or website. Platform success requires more than just content and design.

Here are the 7 essential characteristics needed to create a strong author platform, that will help you …

Brand MysteryMarketingPositioningSEO

Is a Great Domain Name an Instant Brand?

We’ve all seen short, intuitive domain names succeed as businesses –,, and come to mind for me.

But many domains in this category have been monstrous failures ( anyone?), and an even greater percentage belong in neither the “winner” nor the “loser” category.

Most are “never was.”  As in, they sit today …