Stop Trying to Be Perfect, Just Be Yourself!
Perfection can be a motivation killer. The more you put pressure to yourself, the more stressed you will be. When you get stressed, your motivation and health will get affected from it and your performance will decrease eventually. Instead of focusing on being perfect, you should focus on being your best. In this way, you …

You’ve Got 3 Minutes. What Will You Say?
Everything cannot be boiled down to 3 minute increments.
Nor should they be..
However, there are times when that’s all the time you have. Sometimes you have even less. Perhaps as little as 8 seconds. (Have I already lost you?)
Do you need the full three minutes?
For the sake of argument let’s just say …

Are Your Silent thoughts Providing New Direction?
Logical thinkers who use analytics and hard facts 100% of the time may well dismiss the following insight. However, it is always best to take into consideration the ideas of those who think the exact opposite of you. Why?
Should you be open to one new idea, it may prove to be an idea that …

Personal Branding Cosplay
Every year, San Diego opens its doors to the nerds of the world with the world famous San Diego Comic Con (SDCC). A weekend long gathering of movie stars, comic book artists and the fans that adore them, it has grown in size so much that major movie corporations save special movie previews to release …

What Makes a Dream Job and Dream Company?
It is not enough for employees to only do what they like anymore. They also want to do this in a company that they love. They not only want to work on their dream job but also want to work in an ideal environment, with ideal people aka in their dream company.
According to a …

7 Inspirational Instagram Accounts to Follow for Your Career
Many of you probably use Instagram to follow the lives of your friends and family members and maybe learn about the current fashion trends and discover exotic travel destinations. How about getting some career inspiration while scrolling down through your news feed? Below are the Instagram accounts to follow in order to get the drive …

Coworkers Driving You Crazy? Repeat These 6 Affirmations
Sometimes office life can cause a bit of personal strife, as certain personalities just have a way of not mixing. There’s nothing you can do to solve this problem, but you must find a way to cope. When Susie from Sales is giving you a migraine, or Ben from Accounting makes you want to pop …

Ways to Bring Summer into the Office
Summer is already here and it is three months long. Unfortunately, most of us cannot go to vacation for three months but even if we are in the office, we can still enjoy the long summer days and bring summer into the office. Below you can find how:
Change Your Commute Routine: Instead of taking…
You Get What You Give
There are many reasons why it is appropriate to name this post in this manner: 1) my good friend wrote a marketing book with the same title; and 2) this particular concept is very true. Whether you like to say, “show your love,” “pay it forward,” or any similar maxim, taking part in a program …

How to Adapt Life After College
As many students start to graduate from college, they enter a totally new phase in their lives. Not only they will have to adapt working full-time, they will also have to adapt to their new environments outside of work. Below are some advices for the new graduates that will make this transition smoother and are …