Category: authors corner

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7 Habits of the Successfully Published, Part 3: Efficiency

Continuing my survey of the 7 habits of successfully published authors, I’d like to address the importance of efficiency. After interviewing hundreds of successfully published and branded authors, and looking back on my own experiences, efficiency emerges as a highly important component of personal branding success.

Ultimately, an author’s success is more closely tied to …

authors cornerCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

7 Habits of the Successfully Published, Part 2: Discipline

Although not-yet-published authors (i.e., dreamers), often view writing a book in terms of creativity, inspiration, and talent, successfully published authors–and the book coaches they depend on–place the emphasis on discipline.

Discipline may not be as glamorous as creativity, but discipline is–ultimately–the foundation of writing and publishing a book that establishes your personal brand, drives new …

authors cornerCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSuccess Story

7 Habits of the Successfully Published, Part 1: Planning

Planning Your Way to Publishing Success

Writing and publishing a book has been, and still is, the most effective and documented way individuals can build their personal brand of awareness, credibility, and respect. Books attract new business, pre-sell your credibility, and open doors of opportunity. Books are the ultimate “business card.”

Whether you’ve recently graduated …

authors cornerCommunication & NetworkingMarketing

Have You Prepared Your Book’s Marketing Plan?

Much has been written about book proposals. But, less has been written about book marketing plans.

This is wrong! What happens after your book is published has a great deal to do with whether you become published and profitable…or just published.

Proposal versus marketing plan

A book proposal is a direct-marketing document intended to persuade …

authors cornerCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Are You Ready to Contact Literary Agents with Your Idea for Writing a Nonfiction Book to Build Your Brand and Promote Your Business?

Getting a literary agent to represent you is an essential step toward getting profitably published. Literary agents are necessary to help you get around the “gatekeepers” at most publishers; most publishers won’t even look at unsolicited manuscripts.

A good agent will save you time by knowing which acquisitions editors and publishers are most likely to …

first-time author
authors cornerBrand Yourself AsCareer & WealthCommunication & Networkingguest postLifestyle & Habit BuildingMarketingRelationships & Personal Growth

How to Avoid the 11 Biggest Mistakes of First-Time Authors

Writing, books, and personal branding go hand in hand. When you know how to write, and you use that power to write and promote a book, you can change your life, especially as a first-time author.

Writing and promoting a book opens windows of opportunity–opportunities that would never otherwise show up. As a published author, …

authors cornerCommunication & NetworkingeBrandLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSEOSocial Media

How Small Business Owners Can Grow Their Online Empire

On July 8th, I presented to the Next Level Executives group at the Marriott Hotel in Marlborough, Massachusetts. Before I gave my keynote, John Bates, a recruiting and career management veteran, explained the general concept of personal branding and how it related to building a business through referrals. Also, he noted the significance of taking …

authors cornerBook ReviewsBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryNewsRelationships & Personal Growth

Authors Corner: Co-Authoring The Age of Conversation II – Why Don’t People Get It?

And So it Began Drew McLellen and Gavin Heaton are two of the top marketing bloggers in the world. They identified this new era of social media as the “Age of Conversation” a year ago. As the editors, they decided to recruit 100 of the world’s leading marketers, writers, thinking and creative innovators in a …

authors cornerPositioningRecruitmentRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSEO

Authors Corner: When Brand Name’s Go Wrong

Today is not such as laid back Friday. Since I was born and possibly before I was born, my last name has been tortured. When it comes to personal branding, your last name tends to be the most significant because of the uniqueness in identifying who you are and your family connection.

From elementary school, …