Worst Interview Mistakes
If you go to numerous interviews and still being turned down by employers, you may be doing the below interview mistakes. Employers may not be tolerated for mistakes, especially if there are too many applicants for the same position. Therefore, avoid the below common mistakes.
Not Dressing Appropriately: Know the dress code of the company…
Ways to Make Your Commute Time More Productive
According to studies, as the commute gets longer, individuals become more stressed, anxious and less happy. Commutes affect our wellbeing because we cannot control how our commute will be. Will there be any delays? Will the subway be crowded? Will the weather be bad? These questions can go on. Especially, commutes longer than 30 minutes …

3 Personalities Who Ruin Meetings
In every office, there are types of people that make the meetings miserable. This week I combined the 3 most frequent types of personalities that ruin meetings, enjoy!
Multi-Tasker: The multi-taskers bring their laptops and cell phones to the meeting and constantly keep working on their laptops and check their phones all the time. They…
How to Overcome Challenges at Work
No matter how prepared or organized you are, obstacles will always come along your way and force you to get out of your comfort zone and do something to solve them. When you face a challenge, the first thing you need to do is to stop and take a deep breath so you can think …

Beat Stress and Be a Happier Person
Many things in your life can cause your stress levels increase. Especially unexpected events at work or in your personal life make changes in your body and when your body try to make adjustments, stress happens. Unfortunately, stress has many side effects such as upset stomach, headache, exhaustion, sleeping problems and many more. Although some …

Phrases to Avoid at Work
The choice of words is very important when you are expressing yourself. Especially at work, you need a maintain a positive and can-do attitude. Therefore, you need to be careful when you are conveying your message to your coworkers. Below you can find the phrases to avoid at work in order to prevent the negativity …

How to Make Innovations at Work?
Everybody likes to come up with exciting ideas and want to turn them into real life projects. However, innovation is risky and there are factors beyond our control such as bureaucracy. Maybe, the bosses want to keep the company safe and will not be open to innovation as much as you want them to be. …

15 Inspirational Movie Quotes for Entrepreneurs
Movies are not just for having a good time or laugh. While watching some movies, you really learn life lessons or get inspired. Below you can find some of the most inspirational movie quotes of all times. Maybe these quotes help you to push yourself out of your comfort zone or encourage you to start …

Social Skills You Need to Succeed at Work
Social skills are soft skills that you need in order to become successful in your career, like these powerful women for example. Good news is that social skills can be learned and improve with practice. Thus, if you are not getting along well with people, having a lack of social skills can be the reason. …

How to Overcome Spring Fatigue
Spring means renewing yourself and getting ready for the summer. Therefore, you need to wake your body up and get into full speed. However, adapting to the change in mother nature is not always easy and can bring challenges with it. This is called spring fatigue and below you can find ways to overcome it.…