How To Boost Your Brand Identity With SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important factor for boosting your brand identity. In years gone by, SEO comprised little more than mentioning a brand name repeatedly on any landing page. Search engine algorithms have since evolved into complex, smart tools that deliver enhanced search result ranking and brand awareness.
A skilled brand manager and …

5 Ways to Boost Your Brand Awareness with SEO
Brand awareness is one of the fundamentals of any marketing plan. It goes hand in hand with search engine optimization (SEO). As the cornerstone for your brand exposure, it’s essential not to overlook a thorough SEO strategy. Solid SEO means better user experience and improved rankings.
Here are five ways to build your brand awareness …

How Google Discover Affects Search And SEO For Your Personal Brand
The latest Google Discover search update may be a game changer for brands who need to improve their SEO strategy. With more intuitive features your content may now become more visible with the right approach.
The latest change by the search engine giant is designed to understand the intent and contextual meaning of a query.…

The Art of Social Media Affecting SEO for Personal Brands
Search engine marketing has changed quite a bit since mobile and voice search have emerged onto the scene, and many brands are left wondering which marketing methods work best to build visibility? Social media is a large influence in the way people look for information, and although this is not measured directly the social signals …

The Art of Attracting Customers for Your Brand With Inbound Marketing Tactics
As a personal brand your website visitors mean potential sales and brand advocates. Inbound marketing is a well known technique that can help you build more visibility online.
A well executed marketing plan is not enough any more in order to build a strong presence. The fact is that both social media and the state …

3 Things Wannabe Writers Should Know About SEO
As a wannabe writer or blogger, you may have heard the term “SEO” be bandied about without really knowing what it means.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization – essentially, making search engines display your web page high up on their rankings. Google (we could talk about other search engines, but let’s be honest, how …

5 Tips to Speed Up Your Writing Without Compromising Quality
All good writers know that quality is an essential component of success. Without fresh ideas, engaging content and grammatical rigor, nobody is going to want to read, share or publish your content. Good writing has unique opinions or information.
Most bloggers and content writers also understand the merits of maximizing quantity. The more guest posts …

Improve Your Personal Brand’s Social Networks for SEO with These Tips
Search engine marketing and social media work together in building visibility online, which is a change from the older traditional methods of link building and keyword usage. Social media, in particular, is a large influence in the way people look for information, which is driven by conversations and phrases. Google’s latest algorithm reflects this and …

9 Ways to Improve Your Brand’s Search Results
The following answers are provided by members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions …

Just To Get a Rep
As a mode of communications, the internet in general, and social media, in particular, has allowed us to connect to others in many different ways. We can share all types of happenstances in our lives and this ability can affect our lives both our personal and professional lives. Social media, for some, has seemingly blurred …