Tag: Recommended Sites

Career ResourcesJob SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Deathmatch: MBTI® versus DiSC®

In the Celebrity Deathmatch between Madonna and Michael Jackson, Michael turns into a hamster and Madonna is the easy winner. Likewise, in the world of assessments, there are clear winners and losers. What’s amazing to me is how few people ever write or speak about this subject. I believe that you can be more successful …

Career & WealthCareer ResourcesRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

Personal Branding Weekly – Mobilizing Your Personal Brand

Much of what’s written is about how to express your personal brand. In fact, when I’m contacted there’s usually a disappointing pause when I say that there’s ‘no magic bullet’ to personal branding. The only thing magical is discovering what makes you unique and expressing, exuding and engaging with your unique style. The key is …

Career & WealthCareer ResourcesRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Personal Branding Weekly – Happy Birthday #Brandchat

This week we hit a milestone in a twitter chat that I started five years ago.  In fact, our #brandchat birthday is this Wednesday, February 19th. In five years, we’ve met many BRANDidos (a term of endearment for all those who chat and share their insights and resources). Some have stayed, others have left and …

Career ResourcesJob SearchNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

LinkedIn as a Career Networking Tool

Are you “on LinkedIn”, but not feeling like you are getting maximum benefit? In this fourth and final post in my series on leveraging LinkedIn for your career, we will examine one of the website’s most valuable uses — as a networking tool.

In an earlier post, we discussed LinkedIn visibility, credibility, and connect-ability. I …