Tag: Productivity Skills

entrepreneurshipPersonal BrandingSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Three Ridiculously Easy Tips to Defeat Perfectionism

If you are like most of us, you are doing more with less. Most businesses take pride in the ever increasing productivity of workers. Bosses often pile on too much work to too few people. Solo-entrepreneurs over-commit themselves. And, pretty much everyone is sleep-deprived, caffeine and sugar-high, or otherwise brain drained by the habits we …

entrepreneurshipPersonal BrandingSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Workplace Drama Structure Similar to Hollywood Drama Screenplay

A good friend of mine and former college roommate studied film and screen writing. He’s had a number of his screen plays picked up on option by hollywood producers over the years.

So, when I began investigating drama in the workplace I reached out to him to learn about how dramatic movies are structured. He …