Two Questions About Personal Branding Issues
Here are two posts that caught my eye this week. Neither was about personal branding, but both raised questions about personal branding that are worth discussing. What do you think?
If you want to be successful, be worth sharing by Jamie VaronDo we damage our personal brands by overdoing the self-promotion? Jamie Varon writes, …
The Importance of Self-Assessment
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates
I am often asked to help professionals develop and maintain their personal brand. I often think that the best answer is “Follow your bliss” and the rest will follow. And that is largely true. However, the workplace has become so competitive that personal branding is critical. So, …
Use Your Blogger Status to Promote Your Brand at Conferences
This week, I’m an official blogger at the World Innovation Forum in New York City. To tell you the truth, I’m really excited–not only because the conference has some pretty awesome speakers and because I’ll get to meet people from a top innovation consultancy–but also because this is a great, great opportunity to promote my …
Laundry List | Why You Should Create Your Personal Brand
The choice to build my personal brand was one of the best I’ve made in my life. Here are just some of the ways that building your personal brand can help you get what you want.
Increase your chances of success for reaching your self-defined goals. Shorten your timeline of how long it takes to…Success Story: How Bernard Lachance’s Creative Personal Branding Got Him on Oprah
Bernard Lachance is a French-Canadian singer who had a dream and achieved it with a creative personal branding strategy.
He tells it best:
10 lessons we can learn from Bernard Lachance’s inspirational success<
Believe in yourself<
Bernard had no agent, manager or promoter when he decided to rent the Chicago Theatre for his show. …
How to Translate What You Do Into What’s In It For Others
Ever feel like you’re speaking a completely different language when you’re relaying your branding message or elevator pitch to others? Even when you deliver it coherently without stumbling over your words, something seems to be lost in the translation because people just aren’t “getting it?”
What’s often lost in the translation, what others aren’t understanding …
‘Miss California’ Personal Branding Winners and Losers
I live in Los Angeles and I’m a native Californian. I love living here – I was born in Southern California, where I live now. I’ve also lived in San Francisco – what a magnificent city! As a Californian, my ears perked up when I saw out of the corner of my eye last week …
Don’t Trust Spell Check to Safeguard Your Personal Brand
If part of your personal brand strategy involves blogging, you’ve probably run into publishing regret once or twice.
I’m not talking about the publishing regret that comes from writing something snarky online and having it come back to bite you when you’re applying for your next job. I’m talking about the embarrassing typo mistakes that …
Be Positive About Your Personal Brand
Today’s post will focus on how having a positive outlook can help you create your personal brand. A large portion of your success can be attributed to your attitude and outlook towards things. Learn how to harness the positive power available to you as you create your personal brand and strive for meeting your other …
Twitter Personal Branding Q + A #1
In this article, I take a look at the latest questions people are asking on Twitter about personal branding.
Best Twitter personal branding tipMegan Miles Alba, @MeganAlba, twittered: wondering how to use Twitter to promote my personal “brand.” what’s your #1 suggestion?
Jacob Share, @jacobshare: Try to help people with your expertise as much …