The Power of Referral Partners, Part 2: Choosing the Right Ones
While many of us who start our own businesses or who become solo professionals value our independence, we quickly find more value in having people at our side to give us extra strength, visibility and insight in the market.
In last week’s post, I touched on the power of referral partnerships. These are collaborations you …
8 Ideas to Turn Your Successful Blog into a Book
If you currently have a successful blog with a moderate fan base of subscribers, you might be considering the benefits of having a book to expand your personal brand. One of the most difficult parts of getting started is figuring out how to market the ideas and blog content you have in book form, without …
The Michael Jackson Brand
Like millions of people around the world, I was shocked and saddened by Michael Jackson’s untimely death last Thursday.
I found out on Twitter. And, it’s true, I’m a ‘closet’ Michael Jackson fan. I realized that as his music and videos filled the airwaves – he was the backdrop of my life for decades. …
3 Ways to Ensure Your Photo Works for Your Personal Brand
At some point when you’re developing your personal brand, you’re going to want to have professional photos taken so you will be able to show a great-looking photo on your blog or website.
By now, I’m sure you know things you need to be aware of when you take your business photos. No revealing clothes, …
Become a Personal Branding Superstar
When you’ve created your personal brand – you’ve put yourself in the game – you’re on the team. You may not be in the starting lineup yet, but with some hard work and focus on evolving your personal brand, you can eventually be the superstar.
When starting out creating your personal brand and all throughout …
The Personal Branding Advantage of Visible Minorities
After a recent seminar, I was approached by a Hassidic Jew with a personal branding question.
As he was becoming more active branding himself online, he was considering the use of video. An expert in an industry that has nothing to do with Judaism or religion, he was hesitating because he wasn’t sure how people …
The Power of Referral Partners: Why Two Brands are Better Than One
Whenever I’m at a conference or networking event, my favorite group of people to look for are those I can learn from, who have specific expertise that they are passionate about and love to share. I thoroughly enjoy finding out what people do,
what’s been successful for them, and applying those ideas to my own …
5 Reasons to Start a Company in a Recession
As the recession looms, many people are clinging to their jobs like a life raft in a hurricane. Plans to start a new business or grow a business are put off in favor of playing it safe.
The downfall of clinging to your jobI disagree with this approach, because I believe an entrepreneurial mindset …
Twitter Takes Center Stage
Personal branding is more important now than ever before. The economic downturn is not favorable to shrinking violets…you need to be front and center.
Twitter is everywhereLinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter – these seem to be the favorite tools of job-seekers and personal branders. And this week, because of geo-political reasons in Iran, Twitter has taken …
Let People Know You’re Human
Last week, I was almost finished getting ready to go out with friends when I had a moment of pure horror. Not the kind from scary movies, the kind of horror that only occurs when you look in the mirror 10 minutes before a friend is supposed to pick you up and realize your hair …