Facebook “Bio” and Entrepreneurs
During once of Facebook’s recent re-designs, the “bio” section became front and center on the “info” section of a Facebook profile. This change appears to have replaced the “about me” section which was historically at the bottom of a Facebook profile.
Re-thinking the strategyFor the entrepreneur, this means they need to re-think their branding …
7 Types of Personal Brand-Boosting Blog Comments
Make a mark when leaving comments on other people’s blog posts or your own.
1. RespondAs a blogger, I know first-hand how frustrating it can be to have an audience that doesn’t respond when you ask them a specific question (and I don’t mean the usual ‘what do you think?’). Leverage this frustration by …
How to Not Ruin Your Personal Brand at Holiday Parties
With the holidays approaching fast, it’s about that time when you’ll receive an invite to the office holiday party. Although they’re supposed to be about fun and celebration, it’s no wonder many people dread attending. One misstep can make you the talk of the office for months to come.
Rules of thumb to attend an…Great Interviews Start with One Thing: A Great Handshake
All great brands prefer making a first good impression. It just makes everything else that follows so much easier. What’s more, it’s a smart strategy. Take that handshake of yours, for example. It’s part of your personal brand’s body language. Not unlike your fingerprint, your handshake is unique, highly individualistic and without question, will make …
A Cup of Coffee to Me 2.0
I had the opportunity to interview our very own world-renowned Personal Branding Guru, Dan Schawbel, about the release of his revised #1 international bestselling book, Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future (Kaplan, October 2010).
Meet Dan Schawbel
Though Dan originally wrote Me 2.0 for Gen-Y set, the book’s audience has expanded significantly over …
Take Charge of Your Brand
Are you getting in the way of your own success? You are the one in charge of ensuring people see your brand in a positive light. Here are three tips for demonstrating to others that you are taking personal responsibility for who you are.
Don’t wallow in the whineBad things happen and, sometimes, life …
Ask the Experts: What’s Your Favorite Personal Branding Tip?
In this edition of the Personal Branding Experts’ roundtable, I asked every Personal Branding Blog contributor to share their favorite personal branding tip.
Roger C. ParkerBe consistent. Always be present. To achieve constant visibility, identify topics ahead of time, and – to eliminate deadline madness – try to work a week ahead of time.…
Facebook Comments: Protected Speech or Personal Branding Nightmare?
We all know that people overshare. It’s easy to write a quick status update when someone bothers you at work or you’re frustrated. And in today’s world of social media and instant communication, it’s not surprising that quite a few people are taking heat for posting inappropriate content—especially when it comes to their careers.
Oversharing…Not an Emoticon: Emotion
You may be thumbs up when it comes to flashing a smiley face or any of the canned emoticons that functionally do nothing for your personal brand image. Emoticons are the equivalent of wearing the same dress or jacket everyone wears. My mother who was a fashion designer had an expression for that: “You see …
How to Build a Potent Brand? (Six Clues)
It’s just not enough to be brilliant. People must know and remember that you are. Let’s face it, walking around feeling complacent and entitled because you know you’re brilliant is not a viable strategy, right? So if you want to be known, remembered and recognized, it’s critical you build a brand that not only positions …