What Do Flint McGlaughlin and Coco Chanel Have in Common?
Flint McGlaughlin is the Managing Director and CEO of MECLABS, an organization that conducts content and optimization experiments to improve the performance of sales and marketing programs.
Coco Chanel, a pioneering French fashion designer, is considered one of the world’s most elegant women.
So how can the two possibly be compared? Certainly, Flint is very …
Deepen a Relationship With the Stroke of a Pen
The last hand-written note I ever received made such a deep impression on me that I kept it. It made such a deep impression because it was 2008, and I was caught up in the heady days of email, Twitter, and texting.
The power of the “handwritten”So imagine my surprise and thrill when I …
Is it always golden?
The other day I traveled across the country and something rather unusual took place I thought at the time. For some odd reason, I did not speak to a single person the entire trip. This includes from when I parked my vehicle at the airport until I arrived at my destination. …
Listening Well Increases Opportunity and Reward
Communicating respect, patience and a willingness to build relationships will be to your benefit on many levels, whether applying for a new job, selling, or meeting new people. And it will differentiate you from most everyone else, thereby building your brand.
Genuine willingnessIn the corporate world, most salespeople were very impatient to get a …
How to Brand Yourself on Google Plus
Did you get your invite to Google Plus yet? Although the buzz around the newest social network has been strong, many folks are still wondering how they’ll use Google Plus as part of their existing personal brand.
More like Twitter or Facebook?Will you use it the same way you use Twitter or Facebook? Or …
How Indispensible Are You?
How do you become indispensable?
What kind of experience do want customers to have with you and your business?
The impact of customer retention is felt in 3 ways according to the Small Business Administration.
1) Profitability: 5-20% more expensive to find a new customer than to keep one.
2) Revenue: just 5% more retention …
Two Key Content Marketing and Social Media Ingredients
Spiro Pappadapolous is a speaker and consultant for restaurateurs and small business owners looking for ways to enhance their revenue through social media and emerging technologies.
In a recent blog post, Spiro pointed out an important personal branding lesson:
“You are marketing to humans.”…
Avoid Babbitry and Stand Out From the Crowd
Do you suffer from babbitry?
It means an excessive feeling of self-satisfaction. It also means small-mindedness, smugness, middle-class mentality.
But my friend, novelist Cathy Day, gave me the best definition of all: a person and especially a business or professional man who conforms unthinkingly to prevailing middle-class standards. The word comes from Sinclair Lewis’ novel, …
Leverage Everything
Two weeks ago, I spoke at another event for Bloomberg TV, in conjunction with Brighthouse Networks in Detroit, Michigan. Bloomberg is my #1 client as a professional speaker. Before the event, I did a short TV interview with WDIV, the local NBC affiliate. That was the first television interview I have done as an author …
11 Personal Branding Tips for a Hot Summer
Just because you’re going on vacation doesn’t mean your personal brand should be.
How to build your personal brand this summerThis summer, you’ll either be on vacation, working, unemployed or some combination of those (hopefully more the first two). While you’re at it, here are some brand-building ideas:
1 ) Go mobile
Many people …