Tag: Personal Branding

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Penelope Trunk’s Journey from Trade Publishing to Self-Publishing

The story of Penelope Trunk’s journey from trade to publishing to self-publishing is a “must read” for anyone interested in writing a book to build their personal brand.

It’s an entertaining story of the frustrations she encountered after receiving an advance from a major trade publisher, and her decision to self-publish her book. In telling …

Relationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Handling A Personal Branding Mistake, Inspired By Nicolas Cage

Recently, a student at Toronto’s York University became an Internet sensation during an exchange with a potential employer. When inquiring about an open administrative position, 20-year-old Vanessa Hojda accidentally attached a hilarious yet terrifying photo of Nicolas Cage in lieu of her resume. Then, she blogged about it on her Tumblr, where the post now …

Communication & NetworkingJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Job Seekers: Branding Yourself As A Generalist Doesn’t Work

It used to be, the further you got in your career, the more you described yourself as a generalist.

You’d brand yourself as a generalist because that’s what you’ve learned your whole career – that being a generalist was valuable, demonstrating your ability to quickly adapt to new situations and learn new skills.

The generalist…
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Communication & NetworkingJob SearchRelationships & Personal Growth

What’s Up with the One Page Resume Rule?

There’s a bit of conventional wisdom out there about how long a resume should be.  Many career advisers, resume writing books and websites, and even some blogs suggest that people should keep their resume to one single page.  Job seekers shrink their font sizes, decrease their margins, and use other tricks to try and force …

resume brands
Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Your Resume Brands You – Whether It’s Managed or Not

If you’re searching for a job, your resume brands you , like it or not.

I’ve talked to candidates who have refused to brand themselves – They felt branding was for products, not people.

While I can appreciate that candidates don’t like the idea of marketing themselves like a cheeseburger or insurance policy, you brand …

Relationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

You Should Mix Your Personal and Professional Lives

It’s an important and frequent question: should I put personal information on my professional networks? Should I put professional information on my personal networks?


I like blurring the lines between the personal and professional halves of my life. For one thing, it’s part of my brand. I’m a humor writer and fiction writer in …

Brand Identity & Self-Discoverygen-yRelationships & Personal GrowthSound Branding

A Letter to New Graduates

Dear new graduates,

A graduation is not only a happy occasion but also signals a turning point in the lives of those students who have proven their competence, skill and above all determination by successfully reaching the end of their prescribed curriculum. For some, it will be the prelude of further studies at postgraduate level …