Win the Talent War by Opting for Transparency
On the heels of Glassdoor’s debut yesterday of our OpenCompany program (recognizing employers who support and promote workplace transparency), it’s important to discuss how companies can embrace employee feedback. Employers that are transparent help their companies’ recruiting and retention efforts. On you’ll find our complete article detailing three points that should be top of …
How to Become a Follow Up Artist
Whether you are looking for a job, trying to setup an appointment or thanking someone for their time, there is an Art and a Science to following up. This post is designed to help you become a Follow Up Artist.
Sending thank you notes for gifts. Following up with a note of appreciation for someone’s …
Rookie Dining Mistakes for the New Professional in Business
The past few weeks I have geared my articles towards helping the new professional acclimate from the campus to the business world. It’s amazing how a $200,000 education often neglects the business basics that really make a difference. Unless you have your GPA tattooed on your forehead and a t-shirt with all your knowledge, your …
Speak Softly Using Strong Technology Techniques
As society and culture change over time, it is wise to review what worked best in the past in order to adapt it to the new age. Long ago, Theodore Roosevelt said, “Speak softly and carry a big stick.”
In today’s world, that big stick may have us viewing the use of technology for business …
Immediately Increase Your Efficiency and Effectiveness with Three Actions
Why your current way of working is costing you time and results and how to fix it.
I was a budding entrepreneur who had just quit her full-time job and was working hard to build a solid consulting practice. The entire weekend was spent cleaning my home from top to bottom in an effort to …
Using MTN Thinking to Reshape Mountains
How many times have you held off on starting a project because it just seemed so large and ominous?
Even though your job, your family, your peers and your own mental well being needed you to step up?
Well, the reality is… every one of us has faced a similar challenge. Some might have jumped …
Personal Brands: Words are Cheap
Do you ever feel like you’ve done everything right and you’re still met with opposition or friction? You watch your words. You focus on being as supportive and grateful to the people who help you or support you. And, yet in some of your business relationships you feel that there’s still some hesitation or stalls …
3 Strategies Moving Storm to Rainbow of Opportunity
We continually hear of maintaining work-life balance and there is much merit to that. But another type of balance to be maintained is that of facing disaster with calm. Rather than stressing out to the point of challenging one’s health, there is a strong need to maintain level-headedness through the difficulties in order to keep …
How to Successfully Network When You’re In Between Companies
I am an entrepreneur in between companies. How can I succinctly explain this in networking situations?
The following answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched StartupCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of …
Nurturing Your Networking Skills
One of the benefits of networking is that it’s a great way of improving your interviewing skills. The logic is simple. If you want to become a better actor, act. To become a better writer, write. And to become better at interviewing, interview. Networking conversations are like low-stress, high-impact, self-initiated interviews. By having lots of …