Content Marketing Strategies for Personal Brands
Having a well-planned content strategy is an important tool for your personal brand. It’s the way in which your business can establish itself as an expert in your industry both online and off. The type of content you choose for your target market and social media marketing is also important.
There are several ways that …
Success at Networking – 2 Ways to Valued Connections
How do you show people that you care in your offline or “face-to-face” interactions?
Provide them an opportunity to be heard.
Most people don’t have an audience applauding and giving them support. How can you provide that kind of support and uplift someone? Give them time to be heard. Listen to them – either set …
Plan B Including a Facelift Produces Improved Business
Two particular types of personalities exist when it comes to solving problems that are 180 degrees apart. The first examines all angles of a topic to be as close to 100% certain the “something” will work correctly the first time around. The second type of personality learns by trial and error requiring risk and flexibility. …
Black Friday and Employee Recruitment
All employees want to recruit the best candidate and often, small business owners complain that they cannot convince talented candidates to work for them. Well, as a small business owner, did you ever think of applying Black Friday to your recruitment? If you are asking how you are going to do this, here is how.…
Make Holiday Schmoozing Successful
Mentioning “the holidays” to people in business usually garners cringes and wrinkled noses. Why? It seems that unless you’re a retail establishment, the holidays become a difficult time to do business. Either everyone’s caught up in holiday mode and not wanting to make any decisions until the start of the New Year, or they’re nearing …
Pre-New Year Business Planning Prep
The New Year is right around the corner. Hopefully you’re finishing the year off strong in your business. But while you’re dealing with increased holiday busyness, it’s also a good time to begin preparing for the next year. Before you can make plans for your business next year, you need to have a sense of …
Tips for Customer Building Communication
Online communication with your brand’s customers is not about just sharing information, but rather personal interaction with them, otherwise known as customer-centric marketing. In order to establish trust and build relationships it’s important to respond to the needs of your connections.
How can your personal brand connect with customers …
It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done
How many times have you been told “That’s Impossible!” in your life?
Whether it was by someone in authority, a peer or even by yourself?
The title of this post is from a quote by Nelson Mandela. If you have seen the movie Invictus or read about what he overcame to unite his country you …
Drudge Work Necessary to Prevail
There is always “something” in everyone’s have-to-do list that resembles dreaded drudge work. We drag our feet knowing it needs to be done, but it just isn’t the type of work we prefer to do and so we push it off for yet another time.
The better route is to master taking care of whatever …
Personal Branding Weekly – #1 Must Do to Accelerate Networking
A popular saying is that “Social Media is word of mouth marketing on steroids.” Another is that Social Media amplifies your word of mouth.
Both of these statements are true.
The mistake that’s made is in the foundation or in the assumption that word of mouth in that connections or association already exists. It must …