Red Light Moments
I do an extensive amount of writing on what separates “rock stars” from everyone else at work. And while I’m a huge believer in the incremental edge, I also know there are times when you need to prove yourself in big ways.
Shining in the limelightThese are what I call “red light moments” and …
How to Be a Closer: Part 2
Last week, I wrote about the importance of an original message in sales. This week we tackle the six stages of sales genius.
One: Set Your GoalsThe best way to get started in sales is by setting daily goals for yourself (daily goals are easier to accomplish and less daunting than weekly or monthly …
How to Be a Closer: Part 1
Regardless of whether you want to work for yourself or climb the ladder of corporate life, to be successful, there’s one thing you have to fundamentally understand: Sales.
Yes, I know.
If you’re like most people, you’re quietly cringing and squirming. 99.9% of us don’t like to sell, and for good reason. In sales, you …
How I Got Published
I’ve been asked a lot of questions about this, so I thought I’d put it out there once and for the record. First, I want to tell you that publishing is not an easy process, but it’s not an impossible one either. If you have a great idea, a fair amount of talent, and an …
It’s the Little Things, Stupid
I shot a video recently where my first boss said I was “a bit of a mess” out of college. Some people have asked if I was offended by that statement and the answer is absolutely not. For starters, it’s the truth, but – more importantly – if I hadn’t been such a disaster when …
What Have You Done Today to Win Iowa?
“Focus is bringing everything you have to what you want and cutting off everything else.”~ Mary Wells Lawrence, Advertising Legend
I’m reading David Plouffe’s book The Audacity to Win. If you haven’t read it yet, Plouffe was Obama’s campaign manager in his race to the White House, and the book is a fascinating chronicle of …
Creating Your Personal Vision Statement
How well do you know your personal brand? If you can’t sum it up in a sentence, my guess is that you don’t know it well enough.
Yes, I understand this is difficult.
Take charge of your futureIt’s so tough, in fact, that most people spend a lifetime searching for what they’re “about”, but …
The Ultimate Image Test
If you’re a follower of this blog or a student of personal branding in general, then you probably know that your image (i.e. your brand) is made up of two things: how you see yourself and how others see you. Recently I wrote about creating a vision board as an exercise in self-discovery but, if …
5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Organize Information
Does this sound familiar?
You read an AWESOME article online and you promised you’d save it somewhere… but you didn’t. So you go to find it… but you can’t… and eventually you just forgot about it altogether.
You’re not alone.
Regardless of where you are on your personal branding journey, true success requires a systematic …
Two Breakthrough Ideas That Changed My Life
Keeping up with information these days is like sipping through the proverbial fire hydrant. You don’t need to check your Twitter, Facebook, Google Reader, etc… already know what’s building up on the other side.
An avalanche of knowledgeThat’s right, when the circle stops spinning or the screen is fully loaded – BAM – the …