Tag: Brand Attributes

Brand Yourself AsPersonal BrandingPositioning

A Cup Of Coffee To Creating Your Own Video

“Integrated Marketing” is the buzz term of the day–

An Integrated Marketing Campaign coordinates all marketing communication tools, avenues, functions and sources within a company into a seamless program in order to maximize impact, increase response rates and generate more leads.

An integrated marketing campaign has a singular goal, but uses numerous approaches to achieve …

brand matchupBrand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentPersonal Branding

What’s More Important: Your Brand Or Your Company’s

While your personal brand is important for your career success and personal fulfillment, the brand of the company you work for is also important. How do these two things tie together? Some might think that they conflict, but they can actually enhance one another.

Companies that help employees identify what makes them unique and apply …

Career DevelopmentPersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

A Few Thoughts For The Aspiring Entrepreneur

1. Thou shalt not covet specific customers. Too many entrepreneurs get fixed on winning specific accounts that they become emotionally attached.   You pin all of your hopes, dreams and company on that…one…special prospect.  Here’s a tip I learned the hard way: don’t. Think instead about the overall quality of your sales funnel and your business …

Career DevelopmentPersonal BrandingPositioningReputation Management

A Cup of Coffee to Perceived Value

Rory Sutherland delivered a TED Talk in which he discussed some of the many lessons learned as a highly sought-after “ad man”. With real world examples, Sutherland explained the real purpose of advertising and branding–that it is not to change the product itself, rather, to change the perceived value.

Now, of course, advertising and branding …