Branding Value vs Skills
Most of us brand our skills when creating a resume.
We brand our skills because that’s what we were taught to do.
Up until 2007, employers searched for skills because there was a shortage of skilled candidates from the 1940’s until 2007 … So employers searched for skills.
Since employers searched for skills, we were …
3 Things Master Networkers Do
Networking to grow your business, brand or reputation has shifted to another dimension. Don’t fight it, rather, welcome the opportunities networking can yield.
Let’s face it meeting the right people, making quality connections and growing relationships is an art. Not everyone is good at or comfortable with meeting new people, chit chat and socializing in …
Personal Branding Weekly and LinkedIn Word of Mouth
Editor’s Note: Did you see the relevant and helpful posts about your brand at holiday parties? Or, how about the post that you still (and always) need a business card? Do you agree?
From securing a mentor to how to brand yourself when you have years of experience – take a look …
Why Professional Etiquette Is Overrated
Several years ago, I went to a networking event right near Washington, D.C.
One woman in the group introduced herself as an “etiquette expert.” Then, she gave everyone in the room one of her “best tips on how to be professional:”
Make sure your name tag is on the right side of your shirt/jacket and …
5 Ways to Turn Around a Bad First Impression
We’ve all heard it before — first impressions mean everything. But, what about that moment when you blow your first impression? What now? Is your relationship with the hiring manager, your boss, or the client doomed?
Don’t worry — there are ways to turn around most situations in life, and turning around a bad first …
The #1 Thing Hiring Managers Are Looking For
We’ve all been there before: You interview for the seemingly perfect job opportunity, and you make all the right moves, but somehow you’re passed up in the final round. Worse, the feedback you get is unsatisfying, too—you’re told there are just too many qualified applicants.
But what’s the real reason? And what really makes the …
Make Sense Out of Change and Join The Dance
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. ~Alan Watts
I’m going to riff a little today.
I found this quote by British philosopher Alan Watts, which grabbed me and really perked me up because of how simple, and sound and playful …
How NOT To Introduce Yourself
Throughout the course of EVERY day, people you know will ask you, “How have you been?” and “What’s new?” Your answers to these “small-talk” questions will have a profound impact on the way people respond to you.
While there is value in being humble and being vulnerable, that does not mean that you should completely …
Twitter Personal Branding Q + A #17
Responses to recent tweets by people about personal branding and SEO, rebranding, Facebook and more.
Joe Hunter, @joesoldout, twittered: Any SEO experts out there know how I can grow and expand my whack-ass personal brand?
Jacob Share, @jacobshare: If your personal brand relies on an active web presence, especially if you’re using a personal website …
One Sentence You Should Never Say at Work
Our jobs can be a challenge amidst all the change that invariably is happening at our companies. Whether we are at a fast growing start-up, a huge corporation adapting to new market conditions and competitors or somewhere in between, odds are this is a reality of work.
No matter what your job, company or industry, …