Grab and Grow – A Plan for Career Success
Grab and Grow!
I have a client who just started a new business analyst position for a Fortune 500 company. I am using the system defined in the book The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter to assist him in getting up to speed.
He was explaining some …
11 Ways to Create a More Human Brand
The following answers are provided by members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched StartupCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses.
1. Act More Human
“Businesses have a reputation for being …
What Stand Up Paddling can Teach us about Business
Summer is winding down… at least in the Northern Hemisphere. Did you get to try Stand Up Paddle boarding this summer? Or as it’s also known SUP. Did you see anyone out SUP’ing on any of the local waterways near you? If you did perhaps you thought about a few ways that Stand Up Paddle …
Career Stalled? Get YOUR Career Back in HIGH Gear!
It would be rather difficult to exaggerate the catastrophic—and still lingering—effects of the economic tsunami which became known as The Great Recession. Financial markets, and by extension, labor markets, worldwide were very suddenly and quite adversely affected by the economic plummet. While overall conditions have improved, in many parts of the world, including in the …
Get Ready for First Day in a New Job
You perfected your resume, wrote a great cover letter, spent days applying to job descriptions. Most importantly, you nailed the interview process and got the offer you have been waiting for! Now, the time has arrived. It is your first day at work. First day of a new job can be stressful because everybody wants …
Why Your Left Hand Hates Your Right Hand
In a typical population, left-handers make up about 15%. Of course, not every population is typical.
Among the five designers of the first Apple computer, four are left-hand dominant. Three of the last five presidents are left-handed. In a group of alcoholics, left-handers triple their typical representation.So, your left hand might have a lot …
Personal Branding Weekly – Meaningless Appreciation Works against Your Brand
We’ve all been at the receiving end of a meaningless ‘thank you’ or ‘appreciate you’.
When appreciation is insincere, it’s received negatively. It actually has the opposite effect than what may have been the original intention. Or, even worse, it’s seen as manipulative.
I shared some of the negative phrases that are seen as pithy …
360 Degree Point of View to Help in Your Personal Branding
You need to learn how you’re viewed by others so you can take action to change the view if necessary. So ask. Many companies provide some sort of 360-degree interview exercises to senior people — but don’t wait until it’s offered to you. Initiate your own version. When you do, be open to the results. …
Discovering Your Personal Brand Vocabulary
Do you have a personal brand vocabulary?
What words do you use to describe yourself? These should be words that describe yourself personally and professionally.
I am currently working with two clients who are struggling with finding their personal brand vocabulary. Here are a couple of methods to discover your personal brand vocabulary.
How do…12 Traits that Define a Truly Amazing Boss
Surprisingly, people love or hate their jobs based on their interaction with their immediate supervisor. An amazing boss is also a great leader and has the ability to connect employees to an organization. The boss is likened to an umbilical cord for the employee to the organization. If that cord is damaged, the employees will …