Is Taking It Easy a Good Thing?
As Ferris Bueller said in the 1986 movie, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” This was true then and is even more true now. Over the Labor Day weekend, I took it’s purpose to heart and did some thinking.
Our lives as …
2 Key Resources for Crafting and Telling Your Story
I’d like to recommend 2 books that that can help you craft and tell your personal brand building story on your blog or website.
Ginny Redish’s Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works and Patrick Hanlon’s PrimalBranding: Create Zealots for your Brand, Your Company, and your Future offer strong, relevant insights plus …
What do The 10% do Differently?
Frightening but true: only ten percent of people who’ve undergone radical surgery to save their lives actually change their habits to benefit from the operation. From Harvard Business Review, we learn that those clotted, fat-filled arteries are pretty much refilled with more grease and cheese, rather than kept open with a better diet and exercise …
Friendship: The True Engine behind Social Media
Aristotle spoke about it as a moral good worth pursuing in itself in his Nicomachean Ethics; Cicero dedicated a whole book to it (De Amicitia); Plotinus deemed fit to extend it even to his slaves, whom he emancipated; Ralph Waldo Emerson declared it ‘the masterpiece of Nature’; and ever since every sane thinker has advocated …
Does Karma Matter? Try It and See
Not being from India or anyplace where the concept of karma is taught much less embraced, I am unexpectedly buoyed by the idea that something you do today will effect your next life or next meeting. Once again, not having been formally schooled in karma, I’m not quite sure of the details, including just how …
Summer Vacation: How to Balance Personal Branding and Parenting
So much of your personal brand relies on maintaining a consistent presence on social media, being available to clients, and staying on top of trends in your field. Combine all that with parenting, and you are probably stretched pretty thin!
For better or worse, tech has made it easier for professionals to spend more time …
The Ten Commandments of Twitter
The proliferation of trolls and fanatics in our beloved chirping microblog has made it urgent to issue some shared guidelines we can all adhere to that can regulate private and public behavior on Twitter. This is my proposal, which I submit to your consideration.
1. Thou shalt not patronize others. If you hold any views …
Career ‘Stalled’? Have New Career Opportunities Come to YOU!
EDITOR’S NOTE: In this blog, Skip Freeman, veteran professional “headhunter” and author of international bestselling job hunting book “Headhunter” Hiring Secrets: The Rules of the Hiring Game Have Changed . . . Forever!, provides a glimpse into the content and overall focus of his new, soon-to-be-published (fall 2012) job hunting book, Career Stalled?
Do …
7 Writing Tips for Personal Brand Building Success
The writing habits that got you this far in your career may not be enough for personal branding success!
As we progressed through high school and college, few of us have had either the opportunity, or the necessity, to develop strong, efficient writing habits.
Last minute was usually good enough to obtain passing grades–or better–on …
Olympian Action for Entrepreneurs
As I watched the Olympics this year, several analogies came to mind in regard to being an entrepreneur. To begin, it was the apparent determination to succeed that brought about invitations for those finalists to participate at the games.
Economies have been very slow over the past number of years. And many entrepreneurs have felt …