Making The Most Of Your Time Off For The Holidays
For most workers, the novelty of the holiday season includes not only gifts, food, and family, it also means some much needed time off from work. But with this time off comes the logistics of finishing work on time, planning ahead, and requesting additional leave. Statistics show that us work hounds don’t always take all …
A New Job Under Your Tree?
If you could get the gift you REALLY want, then Santa would eat your plate of cookies after he dropped your dream job under the tree. (If the tree isn’t your thing, just insert whatever symbol of your faith or spiritual practice you’re celebrating).
Of course, when you wrote your gift wish list – you …
The Only Way to Stand Out Above the Crowd
The market is crowded. Every vertical has a professional trying to brand himself as the expert in the field, saturating the market and making it difficult to stand out above all the noise. Becoming the best has nothing to do with being the best; rather, it’s all about perception and how the market perceives you. …
Seeds For Success! Persistence, Resilience and Positivity Override Failures!
Isn’t it fascinating that so many successful people failed before rebounding with tremendous success? What can we learn from failure and it’s relationship to success? In my recent article, Hurricanes, Destruction and Rebuilding: The Only Constant is Change! I explained how to address the challenge when your brand isn’t working. I explored how people can …
Enhance Your Brand with MOOCs
Have you ever wished you had gone to Harvard? Well now you can – by taking a MOOC! MOOC stands for “Massive Open Online Course” and Harvard has partnered with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to create an online learning environment called edX. These two prestigious universities have joined forces to offer free non-credit courses …
Networking Holiday Style
The holidays are upon us and we are either invited to business functions and social parties or we decide to host a party ourselves. Many people view these events as stressful. Accordingly, some ideas are listed below to help you enjoy the events more fully. And they are designed to help further enhance your personal …
What’s the Cash Value of Your Brand?
Coke. Southwest Airlines. You.
I’ve always thought there should be one simple, common sense way to value a corporate brand. It would be something like, “If everything burned down, what could we go to the bank and borrow based on owning the brand name?” In other words, what are the rights to the brand worth, …
5 Benefits From ‘Taking Leaps With Faith’
We take leaps with faith when we live out our lives, going through our stages, phases and cycles.
How we present ourselves during change, should be an authentic expression of our personality, experience and values. We don’t have to be perfect, just real. The online space has given us an amazing platform and outlet to …
Personal Branding Weekly and Protecting Yourself from Experts
Editor’s Note: I’ve met many wonderful people during some recent personal branding and social media seminars and sessions that I’ve presented at lately. When we visit after my presentation, I find that unearthing your brand is by far the most interesting and most challenging aspect of personal branding for them.
Do you …
A Subtle Way To Look Smart
It’s really easy to look smart.
One of my favorite parts of my work as a keynote speaker is after a presentation when students come up to me to ask a question. I love getting the chance to speak to people individually to help them with their specific challenges.
However, there is one aspect of …