How Do You Increase Your Personal Brand Value?
The value of the companies in the top one hundred big corporate brands are up as much 129% in value (Apple) and down as much as 16% (Nokia), according to Interbrands’ research. If you looked at these conveniently competing companies, you might say it has to do with innovation. Samsung is up 40%, so that …
Personal Brand – Internal Controls
In a recent workshop, collegiate student-athletes were learning about the concept of one’s “Personal Brand”. This is not to suggest people should view themselves as a product like TIDE or a service such as the one provided by UPS, nor should they begin to refer to themselves in the third person. During the session, the …
Three Secrets to Writing Better
So much of what I read these days is utter crap.
Such useless, boring, turgid, awful crap that I get Qwertyitis planting my face into my keyboard.
It’s not the topics, it’s not the viewpoint, and it’s not even that I truly couldn’t give a shit about the subject.
It’s that the writing is so …
5 Lessons My Father Taught That Shape My Decisions!
My father took his role as a parent seriously and frequently reminded my siblings and me that certain values were important to him. He unabashedly told us at different times that if we wanted to make him happy, we too would abide by these five principles: And conversely, if we didn’t, well…he’d be deeply disappointed. …
Responding Well is an Art Form
When you are faced with a decision do you make a Snap Decision or a calculated and Measured Response?
Different situations can call for one or the other. If you are driving and someone steps into the street or a car veers your direction you will need to implement a quick response. If your customer …
Beware the Outplacement Cookie Cutters!
Outplacement is a service intended to provide support for people who have lost their corporate jobs. Since the former employer pays for such services, job seekers are sometimes confounded by the actions of their outplacement provider…especially the larger ones. This confusion can be eliminated by reading a 2009 Wall Street Journal article titled Outplacement Firms …
Launch Your Own Website to Boost Your Brand
More than half of all recruiters (56 percent) are more impressed by a candidate’s personal website than any other personal branding tool, according to a recent study. Despite this majority, only seven percent of job seekers actually have a personal website.
If you dedicate the time to launching your own website, it’s really easy to …
Your Next Employer: Larger or Smaller?
Your personal brand is, directly or indirectly, tied to your employer’s brand. Work for Google? You must be sharp and highly motivated. Work for AT&T? You must be willing to trade job security for bureaucracy and tedium. Such snap judgments may be inaccurate and unfair, but they happen every day. Once you choose your next …
Visual Marketing and Personal Branding Success
Visual marketing is an essential and sound strategy for personal branding success.
No matter how competent, confident, and experienced you are in person, or how comfortable you are sharing the story of your personal brand using words, your career depends on your ability to visually communicate your ideas and build your brand using social media.…
Don’t Hate Me Because I’m a Personal Brand
You’re probably not old enough to remember the 1980’s Pantene shampoo commercial. This lovely young woman with long, thick, shiny hair looks you in the eye, and with abundant self-esteem few will ever enjoy, she purrs: “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.”
She then tells the truth about her hair. It’s dry with split ends …