Where You Wear Your Badge Matters
This may come off as a bit of a rant. And, for that, I apologize.
My intent is to help you by helping yourself.
And, by helping others to clearly see your name and perhaps skip a potentially embarrassing situation.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a Millennial, a Gen Z, a Gen X’er or …
How to Reset a Bad Work Day
Most people don’t wake up ready to start the day like Snow White singing to her helpful little birds. Most days you get caught up in the hustle and bustle and have to push through, and then, there are the bad days when you’re just not feeling it.
The alarm goes off late. Your forehead …
Whatever You Do, Here’s How to Find Meaning In It
A big goal that most people share in common is that everyone wants to do something that they love. Whether that’s working a particular career, not having a career at all or focusing on something else, everyone has a passion that drives them. It’s exciting to think about getting to a point in your life …
Lessons You Will Learn the Hard Way Before You Succeed
There are some lessons you can learn by reading books and some that you can only learn by experiencing. Unfortunately, those are the ones that you learn the hard way. Sure, you can also learn these lessons by listening to old and wise because they have already been where we are but most of the …
Improvisation Is The Thing
I recently moved and as part of this effort I’ve become painfully aware of a few things.
One — My tools are scattered.
Two — The places I used store “stuff” no longer exist.
Three — I need to create new shelves, workspaces, and mentally geocached locations.
Although this was not the first time I’ve …
5 Habits Millennial Workers Should Start Right Now
Millennials get a bad rep in the workplace. Studies have found that employers — especially those from a past generation — often describe us as entitled, lazy, unfocused; all the attributes that throw up red flags during hiring processes. This may seem unfair — and probably is unfair in a lot of circumstances — but …
Pay Attention
We’ve heard this since time immemorial.
From the time we were in kindergarten and first grade all the way through college and into our professional careers.
Pay Attention
One of my favorite movies is “Inside Man” where the main character Dalton Russell, played by Clive Owen, says something near the end of the movie.
He …
How Quality Presentations Can Give Your Career a Boost
When was the last time you were required to give a presentation? Can you remember? Presentations are not limited to groups of people sitting around a speaker — they’re part of your everyday life. Each time you pitch an idea, discuss solutions with a client or interact with colleagues, you are presenting. Delivering a low-quality …
Why Soft Skills are Important for Your Career
We are living in the tech world and it is obvious that everybody should have basic technical skills. Unfortunately, technical skills solely are not enough, if you want to move up the corporate ladder. You should also have great soft skills. Think of a manager who cannot explain what he wants from his team or …
Yes, Education is The Way Forward
Updated October 15, 2019
No matter where you are in your career you know things.
You actually know a lot more than you think.
Sometimes we get down on ourselves for not knowing about X or Y or Z.
The fact is that we know so many things that if we wrote them all down …