Why Visual Content Is Important For Personal Branding
How your brand image is ‘seen’ or projected visually is important to your audience and the bottom line. A variety of appealing images and videos will not only increase engagement in your marketing, but will also create a greater awareness of your brand.
Visual content marketing is a way for your brand to present unique …
Personal Branding Weekly – Who’s in Second Place?
Much of my day is spent working with small business owners, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs, and helping them market themselves and their business. It’s interesting that small business owners and small businesses work so hard to make themselves look larger and to blend in with large companies and yet large companies are working hard to look …
The Art of Connecting Genuinely via Social Media
Building a following for your personal brand via social media requires not only expertise and a point of view, but also the ability to be perceived as genuine in your interactions. Many people attempt to build a brand on social media only to spout off statistics or opinions, without taking the time to truly connect …
Finding Keywords to Manage Your Career
How do you know which keywords you should be using in your LinkedIn profile and other social media profiles?
Everyone talks about keywords but how do you find them?The keywords you want to use are those keywords that recruiters and hiring managers are using in LinkedIn and Google searches.
First, what are the keywords …
Klout as a Personal Brand Builder
When it comes to personal branding with social media what might come to mind are things like keeping your Facebook and Twitter accounts professional should your prospective employer Google you; or, deciding on your visual branding. But did you know that Klout can also help you build a brand?
Wikipedia defines Klout as: “…a website …
Audio Branding and Its Importance to Your Personal Brand
Audio branding, also known as sonic branding, is a verbal identity that gives a personal brand its own distinct personality using tone of voice. It makes use of sound to reinforce a company’s identity and brand. Sound has always been a great tool to convey memorable messages to consumers as it is something that we’ve …
4 Clichés To Remove From Your Personal Brand
Are you a self-proclaimed social media guru? Do you consider yourself a people person? If so, you’re about to learn some important lessons about personal brand management.
You’ve probably been told to avoid clichés as much as possible throughout your job, writing, and social media, right? Although most people can relate to the majority of …
Why You Need a #PersonalHashtag Campaign
The Big Idea: Social media is inundated with hashtags that do little more than describe our mood. Let’s turn the hashtag into a modern-day resume and use it promote ourselves with content of our choosing.
With one furious hashtag, Kim Kardashian blasted TV host Katie Couric for questioning why the reality star is …
Make Likes Matter to Your Word of Mouth
Research has shown that close to 70 percent of adults with access to the Internet log in to Facebook daily. Such numbers present a good opportunity for personal brands to reach to their target audiences faster. Consider who you want to reach who would be a great referral source, connection, provider of up-to-date information in …
Partner with Recruiters to Manage your Career
Recruiters are an integral part of the hiring process at most companies. There are several things you need to understand about them.
They are people who like dealing with people. Most recruiters became recruiters because they are social and like helping others. In general, they are very nice people. They change jobs frequently. We all…