Category: Skill Development

entrepreneurshipPersonal BrandingSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

3 Strategies Moving Storm to Rainbow of Opportunity

We continually hear of maintaining work-life balance and there is much merit to that. But another type of balance to be maintained is that of facing disaster with calm. Rather than stressing out to the point of challenging one’s health, there is a strong need to maintain level-headedness through the difficulties in order to keep …

entrepreneurshipSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Why Mobile Technology Is Hurting Your Creativity and Career

How a techation may provide you with the creative career boost you need.

The exponential growth of technology paired with new devices and applications permeating our everyday lives has increased professionals’ ability to be efficient. Phone GPS, banking apps and access to a buffet of online services should, in theory, amplify our effectiveness, contributing to …

Career ResourcesInterviewMedia BrandingPersonal BrandingSkill DevelopmentSuccess StorySuccess Strategies

Shrinkage: An Interview with Bryan Bishop

Recently I had the pleasure of speaking with Bryan Bishop. Bryan, or “Bald Bryan” as he is known to listeners of The Adam Carolla Show, is a podcast co-host, writer, husband, and survivor. Bryan’s first book Shrinkage: Manhood, Marriage, and the Tumor That Tried to Kill Me is an honest, and genuine look into his …

entrepreneurshipPersonal BrandingSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Personal Branding Weekly – Does Personal Branding Work for Introverts?

During a group coaching meeting, I was asked if personal branding works for an introvert?

The answer is yes.

Yes, you still need to discover what makes you unique.  Understanding your strengths and how you can communicate in a way that is uniquely you, is also a part of personal branding.

It’s important to reframe …