Category: Personal Branding

Personal BrandingSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Words do Matter In Workplace Communication

Since the 1970s, communication experts have been citing research results released by Dr. Albert Mehrabian on the related value of three vital components of human communication: words, tone & body language.

Mehrabian’s report reinforced reports released in the late 60s by the Journal of Consulting Psychology and the Journal of Personality and Psychology.

That research …

entrepreneurshipPersonal BrandingSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

3 Strategies Moving Storm to Rainbow of Opportunity

We continually hear of maintaining work-life balance and there is much merit to that. But another type of balance to be maintained is that of facing disaster with calm. Rather than stressing out to the point of challenging one’s health, there is a strong need to maintain level-headedness through the difficulties in order to keep …