Words do Matter In Workplace Communication
Since the 1970s, communication experts have been citing research results released by Dr. Albert Mehrabian on the related value of three vital components of human communication: words, tone & body language.
Mehrabian’s report reinforced reports released in the late 60s by the Journal of Consulting Psychology and the Journal of Personality and Psychology.
That research …
Using MTN Thinking to Reshape Mountains
How many times have you held off on starting a project because it just seemed so large and ominous?
Even though your job, your family, your peers and your own mental well being needed you to step up?
Well, the reality is… every one of us has faced a similar challenge. Some might have jumped …
Personal Brands: Words are Cheap
Do you ever feel like you’ve done everything right and you’re still met with opposition or friction? You watch your words. You focus on being as supportive and grateful to the people who help you or support you. And, yet in some of your business relationships you feel that there’s still some hesitation or stalls …
Rookie Fashion Mistakes for New Professionals in Business
The past few weeks I have been writing for the young professional or soon to graduate college seniors audience. Today’s topic is one I find very under-rated and not much guidance given once a new professional enters a company. Also, many companies aren’t as formal with business attire as 15 years ago. Regardless, how you …
Five Reasons Networking Is Hurting Your Career
Studies for the past 40 years have reported that between 45% and 70% of all jobs are found through networking, yet most career seekers spend a minor portion of their job search time networking. If you are a typical seeker, then the first reason networking is hurting your career is because you are not doing …
6 Ways Your Job is Losing You Future Earnings
Love hurts, but so does the wrong job. Not only will it leave you unsatisfied but it can actually hurt your career trajectory.
From missing out on promotions to working for a company with a bad reputation, there’s a host of ways a current role can negatively impacting future earnings.
So before you commit even …
3 Strategies Moving Storm to Rainbow of Opportunity
We continually hear of maintaining work-life balance and there is much merit to that. But another type of balance to be maintained is that of facing disaster with calm. Rather than stressing out to the point of challenging one’s health, there is a strong need to maintain level-headedness through the difficulties in order to keep …
Perceived as Overqualified—What Now?
Some job seekers, especially those who’ve been in transition for an extended time, start undervaluing their worth, and as a result, they might begin applying for positions below the levels they had in past. The hiring authorities then ask the obvious: why would an applicant take a lesser job than previously held, and why should …
The Great Big Secret About Getting Organized
Go on vacation.
Then go on another vacation.
These don’t have to be long holidays. Just long enough so someone has to take over your desk, your projects, water your plants, feed your cat or otherwise substitute for your being absent. That is a great way to rush yourself into putting things in order.
If …
Nurturing Your Networking Skills
One of the benefits of networking is that it’s a great way of improving your interviewing skills. The logic is simple. If you want to become a better actor, act. To become a better writer, write. And to become better at interviewing, interview. Networking conversations are like low-stress, high-impact, self-initiated interviews. By having lots of …