Category: Personal Branding

NetworkingPersonal BrandingSkill Development

Seven Social Media Tips You Cannot Afford To Ignore

If you have been using social media for more than a couple months, you’ve seen professionals who could use an etiquette refresher course. Interestingly enough, many of the offenders you have observed are extremely professional and kind in the “real world.” What accounts for the discrepancy between their in-person and online personas? They don’t understand …

entrepreneurshipPersonal BrandingSkill Development

Things to Consider Before Telecommuting

Telecommuting seems like the ideal work situation. You can earn an income from the comfort of your home, while avoiding commutes and office politics. Nevertheless, telecommuting is not without its challenges. Before accepting a work-at-home position, here are some things you should consider.

Do you have the discipline?

The first week I worked from home …