Social Media Mindfulness Can Boost Your Charisma and Impact
“Empathy is about standing in someone else’s shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes. Not only is empathy hard to outsource and automate, but it makes the world a better place.”–Daniel Pink, best-selling author about business, work, and behavior
It’s natural to want to share great news and social …
Push Past Procrastination
Time, or a lack of it, is one of the most common reasons people give for not being able to get “everything” done. While time can be an issue, procrastination is another big reason projects are left unfinished. Even if you don’t think you procrastinate, you probably do. Here are a few tips to tackle …
4 Instagram Power Tips For Personal Brands
Having a well-planned social media strategy is an important part of building your personal brand online. Leveraging each network to its fullest potential is also important for visibility and word-of-mouth marketing.
Instagram is one of the best networks today that builds a larger audience and following online, which makes this a must-engage tool for brands. …
2015 Will Be The Year Of IntraPreneurship
Have you ever had a great idea at work?
Were you able to do anything about it?
In 2015 that will change. Or, it should.
Smart Companies are stepping up and are willing to help internal employees to develop their ideas. Is your company one of them? I hope so.
Some of the more famous …
A Simple LinkedIn Strategy For Career Change Success
Ten years ago during the infancy of LinkedIn, I created my profile and waited to see what happened. You can guess, right? Nothing happened!
At some point I realized that the system wasn’t producing any useful results for me. I was at a crossroads and had to make a decision. Should I give up and …
Why Use Social Media While In Transition?
Starting around 2008, many organizations’ human resources departments needed to eliminate their own staffs, and thus many of the traditional human resources functions got bounced over to the respective hiring managers. Unfortunately, those discrete departments couldn’t always afford expensive job boards, so they needed to think out of the box in order to meet their …
Sell Your Value Gain Respect
Are you obtaining your worth in fees and services provided?
In order to reach your ultimate vision, it is necessary to know where your strengths and weaknesses reside. The painful piece is to focus on strengthening those weak areas. And it may require further education in terms of self-study or hiring someone to mentor …
The Secret to Productivity: Focus
Technology has helped us do so much more, so much faster. But many experts argue that work-related systems and tools haven’t necessarily made us more productive. How many times does your phone, tablet or computer chime to indicate email or a Facebook notification? The reality is that while technology has the ability to improve productivity, …
Tips to Help Your Personal Brand’s Website Stand Out
A professional presence online for your personal brand is important in building a good reputation and attracting the right leads. The style and content of your website is the point of reference from which all other of your online entities flow. You also want to ‘stand out from the crowd’ with your own unique message …
Why You Should Focus On The Long Game
Every day things come at us from all directions.
Every day we are faced with a decision: What to do?
That decision can be made much easier when you are Focused on your Long Game.
When you know where you are going you can make conscientious decisions that impact YOUR plans and YOUR goals. This …