What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
The Fact is …
You have to keep learning.
You need to continue adapting.
Your Career Depends On It
The modern definition of a career is changing. In the past you could work at the same job year-in and year-out. You could put in your 20, 30 or even 40 years of service. Then get …
The 3 Musts of Building a Successful Social Network
The network. We hear all about having to have one. We are invited to events revolving around it. We are asked about it. But does anyone really know what it is or how to create one?
A simple explanation for why the network is glossed over is because so many assume it’s something you should …
How to Write a Great Job Ad
Job ads are your first communication tool with a candidate and if you want the best ones, you should treat job ads as a marketing item. A well written job ad not only gives you a pool of great candidates but also saves your time and budget. Therefore, consider the below points when writing your …
Anything They Ask You, You Can Ask Them in a Job Interview
A good rule of thumb to remember in a job interview is that anything they ask you, you can ask them. Now you have to reword so as not to sound like a parrot nor should you avoid answering, but later in the conversation you can use their question to you as a question to …
Don’t Wait: Tricks for Landing Your Dream Job
We often miss out on some of life’s best opportunities because we’re seeking perfection. Think of how many family vacations or first dates have ended up as let-downs because of heightened expectations. In the workplace, many people remain stuck in dead end jobs to avoid the risk of exploring a new opportunity. Most satisfied employees …
Place Your Personal Brand Top of Mind With Influencer Marketing
Trust is the most important factor when attracting word of mouth recommendations. Having the right influencer connections for your personal brand is another way, but it’s how you build those relationships that makes a true impact.
How can your brand gain more visibility through meaningful connections? By establishing relationships with individuals and business leaders. With …
Your Best Gift for 2016
Last year is history.
It’s time to look forward.
This is about your future.
The Gift
There is a gift you can give yourself that will provide you with more than any other. It’s a simple one and it’s one that you’ve had with you all along. Too many of us take it for granted. …
Personal Brand #Success on Twitter for Small Business Owners
With almost a decade of history to its name, Twitter has proven to be a social media powerhouse unlike anything else. Restricting its users to 150 characters or less and linking its community through the use of hashtags and the at sign, it has allowed for open and immediate communication between companies, users and new …
Personal Branding Pledge 2016
This is the real time, a surreal time when obstacles fall away
By simply approaching them and encroaching on a new field of play
I go where I want because suddenly nothing is too tough
No barrier is too tall, no opponent is too rough to defeat me
Today, this year, or the remainder of …
My Most Popular Blog Posts of 2015
This week, I wanted to list my most popular blog posts of 2015. These posts also got republished in some other news sites or blogs and got shared a few thousand times. If you didn’t have an opportunity to read these posts before, now is the perfect time. Below you can find the top list …