Jeffrey Pfeffer On His New Book “Dying for a Paycheck”
I spoke to Jeffrey Pfeffer, author of the new book, Dying for a Paycheck: How Modern Management Harms Employee Health and Company Performance—and What We Can Do About It. Pfeffer is the Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. He has authored or coauthored fourteen books and …
The Brooklyn Bridge is For Sale. Wanna Buy?
Every morning when I get to my computer, I’m amazed at how many companies have targeted me as someone in need of their products or services. I take it in stride, though, because in 99 percent of the cases, I’m of course not interested, and I know that the e-mail has been sent to a …
Why Employer Branding is Important
Having a reputable employer brand is a must for an organization’s strategy because it has many non-visible benefits such as able to recruit better candidates, reduce hiring and marketing costs, and improve productivity. Therefore, for organizations, that are still in doubt about investing in employer branding, I’ve put together the below post so keep reading …
Look ’Em in the Eye or Anywhere Else About the Head
Eyes are powerful in communicating; no other body parts communicate quite the same. The quickest way to look uninterested, distracted, inattentive, or dishonest is to not meet the other person’s eyes or even face.
Though most of us are taught to look people in the eye when speaking with them, few do it. People will …
15 Ways to Define What Makes Your Brand Unique
How can I find my niche and define what is unique about my personal brand?
These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. YEC has also launched BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses.
1. …
Get More Exposure for Your Personal Brand with Facebook Messenger Bots
With the growing popularity of social media messaging Facebook has once again become a good source for brands to reach their customers in a whole new way. When Messenger first launched it was more of a personal communication tool. Today it can be used to reach an audience through advertising and now programmed bots.
Many …
Best Way to Benefit From The Positive Job Market
Based on a recent survey by economists, the job market outlook is projecting steady growth in employment. Recruiting consultant CareerXroads reports that new companies find 28 percent of their hires via referrals. Job boards represent one in five applicants, or 20 percent. And career Web sites, about 10 percent. For job seekers or those who …
Benefits of Coworking Spaces
Co-working became very popular for the past few years. Especially freelancers and entrepreneurs prefer working in co-working spaces. Of course, one can work from home or from a coffee shop but these places have lots of distractions and do not offer a productive work environment. Co-working spaces have much more benefits compared to other places …
Wear an Open, Easygoing Facial Expression
You can be taken seriously even if you indiscriminately smile out loud.
This is all about your “game face.” Keep an awake, alert, alive look that invites people to talk to you. Why? Because you need people to talk to you with suggestions, problems, advice, watch-outs, issues, mistakes, concerns, opportunities, fears, and frustrations. If they …
Jim Kouzes, Deb Calvert & Barry Posner: How To Be A Better Salesperson
I spoke to Jim Kouzes, Deb Calvert and Barry Posner, co-authors of Stop Selling & Start Leading: How to Make Extraordinary Sales Happen, about why so many salespeople fail to connect with buyers, what they’ve learned about the buyer and seller relationship, how salespeople can become better leaders, and how salespeople can stay motivated despite …