Category: Personal Branding

Personal Branding

How to Fit with the Company’s Culture

Not too long ago, much-respected blogger Tim Tyrell-Smith of Tim’s Strategy conducted a survey, clearly finding that interviewers’ number one concern is “fit with the company’s culture.” From other articles on that subject, too, it seems as if the old-fashioned “Tell me about yourself” and “What are your key accomplishments?” questions—even when answered well—are apparently …

InterviewPersonal Branding

Jeffrey Pfeffer: Why Employers Should Care About The Health Of Their Employees

I spoke to Jeffrey Pfeffer, author of Dying for a Paycheck: How Modern Management Harms Employee Health and Company Performance—and What We Can Do About It, about why he wrote the book, the employee burnout crisis, the importance of corporate wellness programs, what we can learn from other countries about creating a better work environment, …

Personal Branding

Use Microblogging to Promote Your Personal Brand

Bite-sized content or microblogging is becoming more popular with online audiences on both mobile and computer devices. Creating unique and eye-catching images opens the door for converting leads into sales and growing your social networks with organic methods.

Which platforms work the best for microblogging posts? After conducting the right target market research to learn …