Category: People

DatingInterviewPeoplePersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding and Dating Form a Relationship: Get Ready for Valentines Day!

Recently, I spoke with dating expert and extraordinaire, Joe Tracy, about how personal branding ties in with dating and relationships. The timing was perfect for this because Valentines day is right around the corner.  Joe has over a decade of experience in the online and offline publishing industry. In 2003, Tracy oversaw the launch of …

InterviewPeoplePersonal BrandingPodcasts

Derrick Kwa Interviews Me – The Youngest of the Personal Brand’ers


The interview lasted for about 40 minutes and the rest can be found on his blog that he just redesigned.  Derrick is 17 years old, therefore he is the youngest personal brand’er I know!

Info on Derrick:

“Born in 16 December 1990, in Singapore. I’m just an average guy, trying to forge his own …

PeoplePersonal BrandingPodcasts

Tom Peter’s Path to Innovation Podcast


Tom Peter’s discusses brand innovation (focused on Taiwan). We can’t follow the same path of companies or people from years ago. In order to stand out, you need to be different and choose your brand attributes wisely. Tom explains how branding is about spirit, excitement, and creativity. Enjoy this video and I’ll see you …

Career Developmentguest postPeoplePersonal Branding

Guest Post: How to Stand Out and Get Your Dream Job or Succeed in the One You Have

For students finishing up their college careers or even business people looking to succeed in their current jobs, no question is more common than “How do I stand out?”. As one of our readers, “John Con”, put it in one of our previous posts,

What do you wish you did/didn’t do in college that would …

guest postNetworkingPeoplePersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Guest Post: The Branding of Business Cards

This guest post is from my fellow personal branding colleague and friend, Hajj E. Flemings.  Hajj is a brand strategist, blogger and author of “A Brand YU Life,” which you can go pick up at


Personal branding is a lifestyle, a 24 hour-a-day/7-day a week activity with many touch points, one of which …

PeoplePersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Name and Image Association as Part of your Personal Brand Strategy

When someone reads material you produce, if they cannot associate it to a human being, then you lose the chance to get an emotional connection. If I visit a website/blog, it might be because they write about personal branding or a related topic, such as public relations, career development or social media. It could also …