Category: People

InterviewPeoplePersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

How to Find True Happiness and Be Successful in 2009

Today, I spoke with Gretchen Rubin, who just might be the happiest woman on earth.  She shares her happiness tips everyday on her world famous blog (over 17,000 subscribers), while blogging at the Huffington Post, being an author of several books and, soon, taking over the world.  In this interview, Gretchen reflects on 2008, gives …

Book ReviewsentrepreneurshipInterviewPeoplePersonal Branding

Lessons on Personal Brand Building From Donald Trump and P Diddy

Today, I spoke with John Eckberg, who has spoken with many successful entrepreneurs and celebrities, wrapping up his interviews in a book and sharing a few today for this blog. The two we will discuss are Donald Trump and P Diddy, who, in my opinion, truly represent the epitome of personal branding.   Donald Trump understood …

Career DevelopmenteBrandInterviewMarketingMe 2.0PeoplePersonal BrandingSocial Media

Road to Me 2.0: My First Video Interview For the Book

Recently, I was interviewed by Rick Burnes of Hubspot about my upcoming book, Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success. As of today, my book is doing very well on pre-orders, ranking #26 on Amazon for job hunting bestsellers, #54 for web marketing and #70 e-commerce.  I want to thank everyone for …

Career DevelopmenteBrandInterviewMarketingPeoplePersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

David Armano Reveals His Personal Branding Secrets

Today, I spoke with David Armano, who is a well-known blogger and visual expert.  He’s best known for his marketing diagrams and speaks at a lot of industry events.  I spoke to David about how he’s grown his personal brand, what it takes to become known in a cluttered world and tips he has for …

Book ReviewsEmployer Brandinggen-yInterviewPeoplePersonal Branding

Strong Employer Brands Pay Attention to Corporate Social Responsibility

Today, I spoke with Kellie A. McElhaney, who is a professor at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business and one of the main brains behind the corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative that is spreading all over the world.  When it comes to employer branding, successful corporations are able to bridge their brand and that of …

Career DevelopmententrepreneurshipInterviewPeoplePersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

A Crash Course in Surviving and Thriving in this Economy

Today, I spoke with Laura T. Coffey, who is the queen of giving business and personal finance advice tips. She is a writer for and and is here today to coach you through this recession, give you hope and tips you can use to make smarter decisions before you let the recession cast …