Too Many Emails? Some Real Causes and Solutions
In the corporate world people often complain about too many emails. It is a modern day challenge for sure, however over the years I have noticed a few underlying causes and possible solutions for this common symptom.
Introverts feel more painEmails and meetings (add social media to the list) are another form of people …
Job Hopping: A Smart Career Strategy!
During my 30 year career in “Corporate America”, I worked 14 years with my first employer and 16 subsequent years with 6 different employers. I increased my income and job satisfaction tremendously during the second half of my career because I changed employers proactively whenever I was able to find something better. Despite the potential …
“What do I Want” is a Hard Question
Few weeks back I was giving a talk at a big tech company about focusing on the vision. As usual someone asked this basic question- “I don’t know what my vision is”! I am not surprised. This was my question only a few years ago. Over the years, by resolving my own dilemma and by …
The Correlation Between Good Looks and Your Career
Looks matter in business as much as in the rest of life, even if their professional influence tends more to the subliminal. A quick Google Scholar search for “appearance discrimination” will leave you hard pressed to deny that appearance affects professional life, whether you want to be a print model or a product marketing manager.…
11 Qualities That Build Personal Magnetism
Lack of charisma can be fatal. Jenny Holzer
I couldn’t agree more.
With all the talking about, writing about and discussion about personal branding, this personal magnetism or charisma is already inside of you and part of the DNA personality you were born with.
In Developmental Psychologist Jan Mercer’s article in Psychology Today: Temperament and …
Parent Entrepreneurs: When the Personal Crowds Your Personal Brand
This is the second in my series of mommy entrepreneur profiles. But I need to rename this series because of the feedback I got from said “mommies.” The phrase mommy entrepreneur didn’t sit well with them. My goal was to conjure up images of innovative female businesswomen carving out new ways of integrating work and …
INFOGRAPHIC: 10 Tips for Telling Your Story with Video
Check out this infographic for video ideas and tips on how to get your personal brand across well on camera.
My team and I created this as an add-on to my ebook Camera Ready…but even if you don’t need video tips, you might want to consider designing an infographic to supplement and explain your services …
The New Era of Personal Marketing 2.0
Aside from the increasing number of those who make a living directly out of them, the greatest impact of the social media revolution in the years to come will be felt by the rest of us in two different yet complementary fields: the extraordinary new possibilities to communicate and interact digitally (that is after all …
I Need Your Help: Sharing a Personal Branding Struggle
Personal branding reader, I could really use your help.
It’s always easier to dole out advice to other people, but, as I’m sure you can attest, applying personal branding words of wisdom to your own big plans can be messy, soul-searching work. Seeing yourself through the eyes of a colleague or client almost needs to …
When They Just Aren’t That Into You
The toughest thing about creating a personal brand is just that—it’s personal.
So when someone doesn’t like you or how you present yourself, it hurts in a way that’s very different from representing a company or organization.
With video or TV appearances, it’s particularly tough because you are judged not just on what you say …