Category: Marketing

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Should You Pay to Get Your Personal Branding Book Published?

It may seem strange to talk about paying to get your personal branding book published, while the media often talks about celebrities receiving 6-figure advances. What’s going on?

Celebrities, of course, is the key word in the above.

Politicians, their wives, their ex-wives, ex-CEO’s, and television personalities often get big buck advances. But, this only …

InterviewMarketingNetworkingPersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Interview: Scott Stratten

Today, I spoke to Scott Stratten, who is the president of UnMarketing, and author of the upcoming book, UnMarketing: Stop Marketing. Start Engaging, which comes out in the fall. In this interview, Scott talks about the difference between marketing and engaging, gives some tips on engaging your audience, and more.

How do you define marketing…
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eBrandMarketingPersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

R.I.P Twitter as a Marketing Platform

A marketing platform is a mass communication tool that allows you convert subscribers (readers/fans) into leads. Marketing, by definition, uses a mix of place, product, promotion and price to create a transaction between a buyer and a seller. It’s not about brand awareness or customer support. The focus of a marketing platform is to drive …