Five Personal Branding Tips for Musicians
Some of the best and worst personal branding practitioners I know are musicians. The good ones promote the bejeezus out of themselves everywhere and anywhere they can. The bad ones book a gig, post something to Facebook (maybe), send a few posters to the venue, and leave it at that.
Here are five personal branding …
I Need Your Help: Sharing a Personal Branding Struggle
Personal branding reader, I could really use your help.
It’s always easier to dole out advice to other people, but, as I’m sure you can attest, applying personal branding words of wisdom to your own big plans can be messy, soul-searching work. Seeing yourself through the eyes of a colleague or client almost needs to …
Be Authentic – To a Point
The other day, I was at an event where the speaker was advising attendees about the power of authenticity. During the Q&A, one of the audience members raised her hand and asked about how much authenticity the speaker advised. As the audience member explained, she was just beginning a career as a freelance copywriter, but …
Resume Personal Branding Best Practices Part 1 – Crystal Clear
Your resume makes an immediate first impression on your audience.
If your resume gets past automated pre-screening, your human audience reacts to your personal brand in two immediate ways. In the first 6 seconds of a visual review, your reader decides if you’re qualified or not based on gut feel (based on TheLadders recent heat …
Cool, Clever Trends Help Personal Branding!
I have been watching, following and studying trends for many years. To see how demographics, events, cycles all intersect, converge and impact our lives in such immediate and long lasting ways is fascinating! The financial and banking collapse at the end of 2008, was a long time in coming, but once it hit it changed …
Rules for Protecting Your Brand in the Waiting Room
Everything counts when it comes to finding a job – and your demeanor in the waiting room while you wait for your interview is no different. I’ve always asked the company receptionist for their opinion on a candidate they’ve met. While they haven’t interviewed the candidate, they are certainly in a position to observe a …
Why I Hate Elevator Pitches
Fellow PBB writer, Scott Bradley, nearly had me rolling my eyes when he wrote about why your personal brand needs an elevator pitch. But he saved me from serious eye strain when he avoided making the cardinal sin most elevator pitch writers make.
The sin of being too clever.
Scott’s strategy is a good one. …
5 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Younger
As my first post for the Personal Branding Blog I have thought for a while about what I wanted to write. I have a pile of ideas that I will be sharing every week about everything from tips and tricks, for getting things done while working for a large corporation or with solo-preneurs, to how …
Create Your Personal Brand…then Be It!
I just finished writing my third book and included a section on branding. Putting it together was eye-opening because it forced me to think about my personal brand. After all, in telling other creative professionals how to innovate and advance their brands, I thought about whether I was following my own advice.
One thing I …
Does Your Resume Scare Recruiters?
A student asked me to review her resume. She had just failed my business development class because she turned in no work.
I always worry about the effect on someone’s career, student visa, chances of getting into another graduate program, and just their general state of mind when I have to turn in a failing …