5 Ways To Eliminate Interruptions At Work
If you want to be successful, you need to eliminate interruptions at work as much as possible.
When I worked as an NBA executive, my colleagues and clients loved to talk sports. Clients would call all the time to discuss the latest trade rumor or injury, and colleagues would drop by each other’s workspaces to …
Thinking About Changing Your Career? Consider Modifying Before Leaving
There are many good reasons for considering a career change but sometimes change doesn’t have to be as radical as you think to improve your situation. I met with a highly intelligent woman who had been selling real-estate for many years and was successful even when the market was down. The pressure of managing her …
Can an SNL Skit Make You Reexamine Your Life?
Have you ever gone to your high school reunion, or seen an old friend on Facebook, and wanted to ask, “what happened to you?!”
A Saturday Night Live skit last week had me thinking about this. The premise was a game show called “What Have You Become?” Three contestants, who had all been told they’d …
The Fastest Way to Get Promoted
Before you can get promoted you will need to do a few things. First and foremost … you need a plan. Part of that plan should include defining, describing and delineating what you do. This post is focused on one of the most important things you will need to get promoted. Specifically … your transition …
Roadblocks are Gifts Getting You on the Right Road
Have you ever felt almost in despair when a major project did not turn out as expected or the required learning curve was far greater than originally anticipated? We have all been there and dealt with these unwelcomed events in our own way. Admittedly, in the beginning of entrepreneurship I almost gave up, but luckily, …
How Objective Statements Affect Your Personal Brand
I get asked this question at least once a week – “What do you think about objective statements?”
What I think isn’t important. What the reader of your resume thinks … that’s what’s critical.
Objective statements became a standard part of traditional resumes when there were candidate shortages. When there were candidate shortages, it was …
Branding Yourself as the Applicant Everyone Wants
The more job offers you have, the more control you have over your career path and the more flexibility you have when it comes to salary negotiation. The best way for any job seeker to acquire this leverage is through branding themselves as “the job applicant that every company wants to hire.”
Knowing what the …
4 Ways Using Your Review Improves Your Brand
At this time of year, many companies are undergoing their annual performance review processes. While the value of performance reviews, as we’ve come to know them, can be debated, a review presents the perfect opportunity for you to enhance your brand with your boss, and with the company.
Dress Up – I used to manage …
5 Things The Super Bowl Can Teach Us Preparation
The recent Super Bowl provided some insight into the thinking that goes into a successful effort to put on an event that will be watched by an estimated 108 million people. These same tips can be applied to things we do in our every days lives too.
You might be wondering … Why did I …
10 Killer Strategies for Getting a Job
1. North Dakota
2. Nebraska
3. South Dakota
4. Iowa
5. Wyoming
6. Oklahoma
7 Vermont
8. Hawaii
9. Utah
10. Kansas
You might be thinking, “These aren’t strategies, they’re states. You would be wrong and right. Yes, they are states. But, they are also places that pave the way for a strategic move (literally) …