Category: Lifestyle & Habit Building

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Why The Generation Gap is Great for Your Career

We have entered an exciting time in the evolution of the workplace. With the Millennial generation (those born approximately 1982-1995, a.k.a. Generation Y) entering the workforce in large numbers and the delay in retirement for many Baby Boomers, today’s office space is often being shared by different generations.

There has been a lot of discussion …

Career & WealthCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Branding Weekly – 3 June 2013

Across the U.S., graduations have been happening here in the U.S.  From college and university graduation ceremonies to high school commencements, the Class of 2013 is taking the next step in their life journey.

Some already have their next chapter queued up already while some are still searching. Living part time in Las Vegas and …

Career & WealthLifestyle & Habit BuildingMe 2.0Relationships & Personal Growth

The Correlation Between Good Looks and Your Career

Looks matter in business as much as in the rest of life, even if their professional influence tends more to the subliminal. A quick Google Scholar search for “appearance discrimination” will leave you hard pressed to deny that appearance affects professional life, whether you want to be a print model or a product marketing manager.…