4 Words You Never Say to Your Boss!
You don’t repair that relationship by sitting down and talking about trust or making promises. Actually, what rebuilds it is living it and doing things differently – and I think that is what is going to make the difference.–Patricia Hewitt
I’m sharing an experience I had with a recent client to highlight the following career …
Power Relationship Building With LinkedIn Contacts
Are you already using LinkedIn Contacts? Interestingly enough, the social network released the feature with relatively little fanfare this year. However, it is easily one of the most important updates LinkedIn has ever added to their list of already impressive free services. LinkedIn Contacts is LinkedIn’s answer to a CRM (customer relationship management) system. It …
Things I’ve Learned about Business from Hiking
Summer is THE time to get your hike on in the Pacific Northwest. The rest of the year is pretty good for hiking too, but summer days are often clear and have the best views.
Like all great plans for fun they seem to take a back seat to other plans. As such… my son …
Keeping Your Job Search Confidential
Staying in a job too long can retard your career, depress your income, and diminish your brand. Surveys conducted over the past five years have indicated that over half of all employed workers are not satisfied with their current jobs. Why don’t such people just go out and look for a better job? One major …
While in Transition You Must Stay Informed
Your status while in transition is that of a consultant, especially when you’re interviewing for a job. The would-be employer needs you because you might be able to solve certain company problems. To prove that you can, you must stay on top of things and demonstrate that you’re knowledgeable about the employer’s industry in general, …
Why Women Falter In the Face of Opportunity
PriceWaterhouseCoopers’ chairman and senior partner Bob Moritz was sent to Japan, after a slow start in his career at the firm. It was about six years into his tenure, and he really did not want to go. When he arrived, he had a difficult time even trying to fit in with his Japanese colleagues. Everything …
Will a Technology Fast Make You More Productive?
Many of us eat, sleep, and breathe technology. I’m no different, in fact, it’s my job to know the newest happenings in mobile and social media technology and then relate the practical applications to everyday busy professionals. However, while technology, used strategically, should make us more efficient, the overuse of technology makes us less effective. …
Control Your Future
Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands, but not you. – Jim Rohn
I love the last line of this quote, we should not leave our future …
Personal Branding Weekly – List to Last
Real estate agents say – “list to last” because when you list a home for sale you have the opportunity to earn money when that home is sold by you or a fellow real estate agent.
As a business professional, the care, nurturing and development of “your list” determines how long you last as a …
The Optimistic vs Pessimistic Job Applicant
There are two ways to look at life, one’s job search and the inevitable interviewing rejection each job seeker incurs. The first is to imagine the worst and be prone to depression when we encounter each roadblock. The second is to look at interviewing rejection as a temporary setback and to leverage that disappointment into …