Revitalize Marketing Materials and Your Business
Entrepreneurship provides us with a roller coaster ride as the economy and technology change. How you anticipate change, prepare for it, and run with the new model will determine your future success.
Business is obviously much easier to control when the economy is good. But one pitfall of many is to spend too much money …
We Judge with Our Eyes
I am on vacation and not even on American soil. It is a vastly different milieu in almost every respect. I find myself continuously comparing, contrasting, judging, and labeling people. Of course, this continuous chatter is only in my head. I don’t share it with anyone, God forbid.
But isn’t that what we do in …
Google Yourself to Manage Your Brand
Have you ever Googled yourself? According to a new study from the Pew Research Center, 56 percent of Internet users have searched for their own name online. This is up from 22 percent when they first asked Internet users in 2001, but today’s percentage has remained relatively the same in the last few years.
It …
What’s the Best Answer to the Dreaded Weakness Question?
Research on investor confidence sheds light on how you should answer the worst question you may be asked in a job interview. That would be:
What is your greatest weakness?
You could of course, be honest. The true answer might be:
Fig Newtons
Fine, limp hair with no volume
My right quadriceps
Ryan Gosling
How to Place a Value on Your Brand
Many professionals and business owners find it extremely difficult to assign value to themselves and their brands. For some reason, in many peoples’ minds, discussing money “cheapens” relationships.
I recently observed a conversation between several Facebook friends who are business owners. The conversation started when a friend with a growing business, already boasting celebrity clientele, …
Personal Branding Weekly – Guilty of Bad Brand Impressions?
Comment below – have you ever seen that post in a LinkedIn group asking if you would share their resume with your contacts (and then, yes, they do attach their resume)? My first question is “why should I? What have you done to compel me to speak positively on your behalf?” Just asking me to …
Should Baby Boomers Care About Their Personal Brand?
Baby Boomers, should you care about your Personal Brand?
I have written a couple of posts on this topic in the last few months:
Personal Brand and the Baby Boom Generation Baby Boomer Personal Branding using Social MediaEach time I have posted links to these posts on a variety of LinkedIn groups.
I have …
Knocked Down 7 Times? Stand Up 8
A pep talk.
My favorite moment in the entire Rocky Balboa pantheon is not when he beats the hell out of Clubber Lang or Ivan Drago. It’s near the end of the first movie, Rocky, at the end of the 14th round when he’s been beaten so badly, he can barely stand.
He’s so tired …
How to Become an Ideal Workplace?
In order to become an ideal workplace, one where employees feel they’re valued and have opportunities for growth, business owners need to create a community and a culture that empowers employees and rewards contributors. Since employees spend most of their time in the workplace, it makes sense that the environment should be one that nurtures …
Recognize Greatness
Has anyone ever taken the time to recognize something you have done? What did that feel like? Would you want that feeling to happen again and again? Even if you are shy I think the answer is yes.
The same is also true for others.
Recognition mattersHave you noticed someone doing something that should …