Can I Borrow a Cup of … Internet?
This is the season of excuses.
Actually, the season of excuses occurs more frequently than the ones that come to mind more readily: winter, spring, summer or fall. The season of excuses is familiar to every student and every teacher. It would shock and appall those who are funding education, loaning money for it or …
How to Craft Job Search Emails That Get Read
AS A PROFESSIONAL HEADHUNTER I GET LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF EMAILS EACH AND EVERY BUSINESS DAY FROM POTENTIAL CANDIDATES FOR POSITIONS I AM ATTEMPTING TO FILL for our recruiting firm’s hiring company clients. Here is a sad, depressing, discouraging fact about the overwhelming majority of these emails: Most are very poorly written and constructed, confused and …
How to Field a Hiring Pro’s First Phone Call
IF YOU HAVE BEEN CONDUCTING A SYSTEMATIC, WELL-THOUGHT-OUT, WELL-EXECUTED NEW JOB SEARCH, and if you have clearly positioned yourself as being among TOP candidates, in today’s burgeoning job market, sooner rather than later, you should expect to receive an initial contact from a hiring professional, i.e., a hiring manager, headhunter or in-house corporate recruiter. Nearly …
The Fundamentals of Successful Thinking
The simple truth is that our control over our consciousness determines the quality of our lives as well as our ability to reach our full potential.
People who have developed the right mental disciplines make more money, stretch their abilities more than their peers, enjoy higher positions at work, command more respect and form more …
5 Mistakes That Could Easily Derail Your Career
DURING THE GREAT RECESSION, WHEN HUGE LAYOFFS AND FREQUENT DOWNSIZINGS WERE THE GENERAL ORDER OF THE DAY FOR MANY, MANY EMPLOYERS, literally millions of men and women were in constant, sometimes paralyzing fear that the next “heads” on “the chopping block” could quickly and easily end up being their own.
Thank goodness, now that hiring …
The Right and Wrong Way to Renegotiate Your Salary
Successful salary renegotiation is a complex, multistep process that takes time. Just like anything else, there is a right and wrong way to approach it. Employees who walk into their boss’ office and ask for more money leave the meeting empty-handed and afraid of losing their job.
Roughly 70% of the job seekers whom I …
What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
It’s probably not a surprise to you that you need to keep learning throughout your entire life.
While the mode and pace of learning will change over time it is critical to know how to learn, unlearn and relearn. As I wrote about in this post Unlearning Your Way to Success there is a need …
Here’s What You Need to Know About a Career in Medical Services Management
Like any other business, a health care organization needs a good manager to keep things ticking along properly. Medical services managers plan and supervise the business aspects of health care delivery. A specialist medical services manager, like an emergency medical services manager, for example, oversees a specific department or service, while a general medical services …
Earning a Master’s in Social Work While Working Full Time? Yes, It Can Be Done
There are a number of reasons that you might continue working while you earn your degree. Usually it comes down to finances; advanced degrees don’t really pay the bills until you actually graduate.
With some programs, such as law and medicine, holding a full-time job while in school is difficult, if not impossible. However, other …

Economic Consultant: Who are They and Why You Need to Know
Often, the first question anyone asks of someone studying economics at the graduate level is, “Are you planning to teach?” There’s a common (incorrect) perception that the only career options for someone with an advanced degree in economics are teaching or working for the government as part of a think tank.
While those are both …