Can You See the End From the Beginning?
How a pop song can help you.
“I can see the end as it begins …”
Taylor Swift in her song “Wildest Dreams”
I don’t often quote Taylor Swift songs, but I happened to hear this line in the song recently and it got me thinking:
Is Taylor Swift a visionary? Are her lyrics also…How to Manage Peers When You Get a Promotion
First off, congrats on your promotion! You deserve a pat on the back for a job well done. After all, they wouldn’t promote you if you weren’t good, right?
Still, you can’t help your nerves right now. What if your peers don’t take you seriously? Or what if they take you too seriously? Are you …
The Foundation of Charismatic Interviewing
The most effective interviewees know how to engage a hiring manager or recruiter with candid, interesting conversation. There is a charisma and confidence to them that draws others into their way of thinking.
Their influential abilities resonate throughout both their professional and personal life. This includes those with whom they interview.
Specifically, charismatic interviewees are …
The Rise of the Specialist
I have a theory.
It’s been developing for a few years.
It’s been tested over the past couple of years.
And it may be coming to a head now.
Did the Great Recession Create Specialists?
This is one conclusion I have come to. I’ve not tested it extensively with regressive and longitudinal studies, but I …
Three Questions Every Interviewee MUST Be Ready to Answer
Interviews are stressful.
You never know what to expect.
But, you SHOULD expect these three questions.
Or at least some variation of them.
Be Prepared or Else
I suggest you be ready to answer the following three questions. They may not be asked in this same way, but some variation of them will (eventually) be …
Books to Read to Achieve Success
You don’t need an MBA from an ivy-league school to learn about business and achieve success. By reading books from successful businessmen or thought leaders, you can get hints and advise about being successful and use these in your career. There are many motivational business books out there that must be read but below are …
Using LWL to Get Ahead
How often do you Listen?
Really Listen?
Before taking action?
It Can Be Hard
I know from personal experience that it can be hard not to jump to conclusions, not to leap forward with assumptions, and to not try and prescribe before diagnosing.
Stop. At least for one conversation today … stop.
Then … Listen. …
Mastering Your LinkedIn Profile
How often do you look at other people’s LinkedIn profiles?
How often do you look at your own LinkedIn profile?
If the answer to the second question is never … it’s time to bite the bullet.
Take 5 minutes and read this post, then go to your LinkedIn profile and do a quick sanity check …
Are You a Commoner? or Have You a Job?
I use the title loosely and with humor. I know the majority of readers are neither clergy nor nobility, and it’s likely that neither are they highly privileged like that “1 percent”—a notion popular during the most recent presidential election. My point is that America is divided between those who are currently employed and those …
How to Interview by Talking about the Future . . .
. . . But first, what do you know and understand about the future? The average person born in the latter years of the baby boom (1957–64) has held 11 jobs from age 18 years to 46, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That trend indicates that in the future, the velocity at …