How To Bounce Back From Personal Branding Disappointment
How you handle disappointment will play a major role in your personal branding success.
At some point or another, you may experience disappointment during your journey to personal branding success. An expected job offer may not materialize, your book may not sell as well as expected, or a recent marketing campaign may not attract qualified …
Corrosive Power Or Conscience?
The business of football got uglier when information about the bounty for pain scandal surfaced. This scandal is currently decimating the management, income, and personal brands of the New Orleans Saints. The ironically named Saints are not the only team of people to pool money and put people in the cross-hairs, in hopes of destroying …
Four Steps to Take When You’ve Been Downsized
When you have been downsized, the first inclination for many people is to hit the job boards and begin searching for their next job. But doing that right after a layoff or termination may be more difficult than you think. Many people start a new search before they’ve had a chance to prepare and unwind, …
The New Girl Nice
I had the opportunity to spend Friday afternoon and evening with Zooey Deschanel, star of the hit Fox show The New Girl. She filmed an upcoming episode at one of my companies’ locations, and the producers cast my business partner Jon Torerk and several of BioMechanixLA trainers in the show. I can’t give away too …
5 Ways to Find the Time for Personal Branding
You’re busy, I get it. You’ve got your job or school. You have a social life. You just don’t have a whole lot of time to do any of it to a great extent. You’re keeping up with Twitter and LinkedIn, and even Facebook, but you’re not able to do any real brand building. That …
The 5 Languages of Nice
As my creative partner @FamousAlice says, s“competent and nice beats genius and difficult” when it comes to hiring, promoting and collaborating with team members – or selecting and working with vendors and consultants.
Competence is broadly understood as being good at what you do; but do not dismiss what it takes to be good – …
The Kama Sutra of Business
Who knew that physical positions mattered so much when it comes to generating novel, useful and profitable business ideas? Your feet, your hands and your use of space directly impact your fluency (how many ideas you can generate), flexibility (the sheer number of ideas) and originality.
In recent studies conducted at the University of Michigan …
Your Résumé Should NOT Include A Headshot
Just don’t do it.
“But what if I—”
“But what about—?”
“But I like to—”
Unless you are a model or an actor applying for a modeling gig or auditioning for a part, you should never, ever, ever, ever, EV-VER …
One Baby Step
Could it be a trial offer that costs just $1, and a payment of significantly more – if the trial offer proves to be valuable and effective?
We all think of hitting home runs, of developing the …
Corporate America Lifestyle From An Entrepreneur’s Eye
New shoes on your first day of work at an 800-acre corporate campus are a bad idea…unless you like blisters. That was my first lesson on day one as the new Division Vice President of Social Media Marketing for a Fortune 50 retailer based in the Chicagoland area. Life has been a bit different working …