Help… I’m in the Dark!
The Unemployment Numbers Don’t Add Up
I am a motivational author, trainer, and blogger… but when disinformation and miscommunication are released by the government to hide the truth, someone has to speak out! The latest unemployment rate, according to the government, fell from 9.4 percent to 9.0 percent last month. Hogwash !
Either the data is inaccurate or the government better …
Do Video Resumes Really Add to Your Brand?
The Greatest Asset of Any Brand
What television shows will Americans want to watch in the coming years? What kind of fashions will people want to be wearing 3 to 5 years from now? What kind of apps and capabilities will entice consumers to purchase Smart phones in the …
4 New Rules of Personal Branding
I recently started blogging at under the column “personal branding.” I recommend that you subscribe/follow my Forbes blog as well because there will be some exclusive content that you won’t find anywhere else. Sometimes, I’ll be cross-posting on this blog if I deem the content to be of value to you. In this case, …
LinkedIn Branding for Today’s Savvy Job Seeker
Did you ever play duck, duck goose as a kid? This popular game makes its rounds in nearly every kindergarten playground in the country, teaching children as young as 5 that being different (i.e. the goose) is good.
Duck or gooseWith 80% of all companies using social media tools to recruit and 95% of …
Personal Branding Interview: Jane Genova
Today, I spoke to Jane Genova, who is a coach, book author, and lecturer on careers, specializes in transitions. She is the author of Over-50: How We Keep Working, and is a blogger for AOL Jobs. In this interview, Jane talks about her predictions for the job market this year, how job seekers can stand …
Sweet Spot: The Intersection of Passion, Purpose & Skills
Brand Yourself an Entrepreneur
2011 will be a turning point for many, if not most, Americans. The realization that companies, businesses, corporations, organizations, and yes, even local, state, and federal governments will no longer assure jobs and take care of employees will finally be realized.
Yes, many unemployed and underemployed people will need to create their own jobs by …