Category: Job Search

Job SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Seven Reasons Your Resumé Is Hurting Your Career

I have reviewed over 300 random resumés in the past two weeks and, based upon that sample and my past experience, I can tell you that it is highly likely yours is working against you. Why? Because it contains common errors that detract from your initial impression and your overall professional presentation.

There are two …

Career ResourcesJob SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Deathmatch: MBTI® versus DiSC®

In the Celebrity Deathmatch between Madonna and Michael Jackson, Michael turns into a hamster and Madonna is the easy winner. Likewise, in the world of assessments, there are clear winners and losers. What’s amazing to me is how few people ever write or speak about this subject. I believe that you can be more successful …