Seven Reasons Your Resumé Is Hurting Your Career
I have reviewed over 300 random resumés in the past two weeks and, based upon that sample and my past experience, I can tell you that it is highly likely yours is working against you. Why? Because it contains common errors that detract from your initial impression and your overall professional presentation.
There are two …
Feeling Good is a Relative State of Mind
I don’t pay too much attention to local news via newspaper or television, but I constantly listen to NPR and the BBC and read The Economist and The Week. What these media sources have in common is that they report on international issues. My focus is usually on the Big Picture and not so much …
Why You Should Send a Thank You Letter?
Many job hunters skip sending thank-you letters because they think no one reads them. In fact, more people than you think read thank-you letters. Sending a thank-you letter shows your interest. It shows that you are interested in that position and in that company. Also, it is a good way of showing your appreciation to …
Building Your Target List – The Targeted Job Search
Your target list should contain companies that could hire you. You should be looking for companies that are looking for your skill set. This is step one of Target the Company and Quit Chasing the Job or the Targeted Job Search.
Let’s cover four sources to find these companies.
1. Your friends…
Get Known as “Top Talent” Using These Five Traits
If you want to get hired and stay hired you need to know how hiring managers think. Since Google is setting the standard for attracting, hiring (and paying) top talent, examining and understanding their hiring standards and practices could help you even if you have no interest in working there.
Let’s start with GPA’s and …
Deathmatch: MBTI® versus DiSC®
In the Celebrity Deathmatch between Madonna and Michael Jackson, Michael turns into a hamster and Madonna is the easy winner. Likewise, in the world of assessments, there are clear winners and losers. What’s amazing to me is how few people ever write or speak about this subject. I believe that you can be more successful …
Beware of Career Marketing Firms
Last week I received a request from a family member of mine in transition. He was asking me to evaluate a proposal he had received from a career marketing firm. He wanted my opinion because I’m a career coach–and because I myself had once been victimized by a similar firm.
His proposal cover letter opened …
4 Tips for Crafting the Perfect Elevator Pitch
Imagine yourself as a recruiter at a networking event.
It’s in a behemoth of a room and there are hundreds of eager job seekers clamoring for your attention.
You talk to person after person after person for hours at a time about a similar topic, getting handed resume after resume until they start to form …
Target the Company and Quit Chasing the Job
Target the company?
Yes, you heard me correctly… target the company and quit chasing the job.
This is the philosophy of the Targeted Job Search which I will be writing about over the next month.
As a baby boomer, I was raised to be loyal to my employer. When the right opportunity came about, it …
3 Top Tricks of Successful Job Seekers
In a decade of recruiting for countless sales and marketing jobs spanning numerous industries and locations, there is a reliable stable of tricks I’ve seen job seekers use to put themselves ahead of the crowd in any interviewing situation.
Below are the top 3 tactics to take your interviewing to the next level, bringing you …