Can a ‘Headhunter’ Help You? Maybe, Maybe Not.
When you hear the term “headhunter” what is the first thing that comes to mind? How would you describe what you think a headhunter is, what role he or she plays in the job market? Chances are, if you’re at all like the typical job hunter, here is probably how you would describe a headhunter:…
Are You in the Wrong Occupation?
Are you in the wrong occupation? Probably.
Here are a few of the top reasons you are likely to be in the wrong occupation:
– There are over 10,000 standardized occupations and you have not even considered 9,995 of them
– You would consider it wasting you education to go into another field
– You …
Go Ask Brian: ‘Fudged’ Resume Risky
While we all tend to sometimes “exaggerate” some of our experiences and accomplishments, one place to strictly avoid this tendency is in your résumé. Exaggerating or even stretching the truth can potentially have career-ending/altering consequences. Just go ask Brian Williams, the erstwhile NBC news anchor who recently admitted publicly that he took some, shall we …
Answering Tips for “Are You Willing to Relocate?” Question
“Are you willing to relocate?” question can be a deal-breaker for your interview. Have you ever thought of what to answer to this question? If you directly answer no, do you know if you can still get the job or do you really need to make a major life change in order to get the …
Use Pictures to Build Your Personal Brand
Pictures have the ability to tell our stories better than written word. A resume may list your volunteer work with a non-profit that creates urban gardens for low-income communities, but a picture of you, elbow-deep in earth, showing others how to plant vegetables is more likely to connect with future employers who value community-minded team …
Digital Branding for the Job Seeker Part 3
Part 3: Registering, Naming, Designing and Optimizing Your Career Blog
Understanding the importance of having a positive web image is half the equation, the other half is being able to execute on that knowledge. Below, you’ll find the first few steps on how to create a digital brand via formulating a career website and taking …
Is It Time for a Proactive Career Change?
When was the last time you searched for a job while employed, found one you liked better, and gave your employer your two week notice? Have you ever even done this at all? If not, you may be living in the past.
Whether we like it or not, the average tenure in a job these …
Value of Using ‘Canned’ Answers to Interview FAQs
In our executive recruiting firm, The HTW (Hire to Win) Group, we consistently coach candidates presented to our hiring company clients on how to effectively use rehearsed—sometimes derogatorily referred to as “canned”—answers to interview questions that can be predicted and anticipated with almost absolute certainty. Suffice it to say, not all candidates readily embrace this …
When Confidence Becomes a Career Liability
The drive to be perceived as strong is becoming ever more prevalent in today’s society and is especially present in some members of our younger generation.
In theory, confidence has its merits and is a necessary quality for successful leadership. It can provide people with the resiliency needed to complete complex tasks even in the …
Unhappy at Work? You’re Not Alone!
If you’re somewhat less than enthusiastic about getting up each workday and heading off to your job, you’ve certainly got a lot of company. According to the latest job satisfaction survey (published in June 2014) by The Conference Board, a global, independent business membership and research association, even though job satisfaction levels currently are the …